Friday, November 22, 2019
Simple French Verb Conjugations for Louer (to Rent)
Simple French Verb Conjugations for Louer (to Rent) The French verb louer means to rent. When you need to say rented, renting, or will rent a conjugation is required. French students will be delighted to know that this ones pretty easy because it follows the most common verb conjugation pattern found in the language. Conjugations of the French Verb Louer Louer is a regular -er verb and the endings required in the conjugations follow the pattern of similar words. If you know how to conjugate inviter (to invite), fumer (to smoke), or any other verbs that end in -er, then this will be an easy lesson. The trick to French verb conjugations is that the ending changes with the subject pronoun as well as the past, future, or present tense. First, you must identify the verb stem and in this case, that is lou-. With that information, follow the table to discover the appropriate endings for each form of louer. For example, I am renting is je loue and we will rent is nous louerons. Practicing these in context using simple sentences will make them easier to memorize. Subject Present Future Imperfect je loue louerai louais tu loues loueras louais il loue louera louait nous louons louerons louions vous louez louerez louiez ils louent loueront louaient The Present Participle of Louer The present participle of louer is louant. This was formed by simply adding -ant to the verb stem. Beyond its use as a verb, it can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed. The Passà © Composà © and Past Participle The passà © composà ©Ã‚ is a common way to express the past tense in French. Its very easy and requires the use of the past participle louà ©. In order to complete the construction, conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to fit the subject pronoun. For instance, I rented becomes jai louà © while we rented is nous avons louà ©. Notice how ai and avons are conjugates of avoir, yet the past participle does not change. More Simple Louer Conjugations to Learn Those are the most important conjugations of louer that you should know. Once you learn those, consider studying these other simple forms. The subjunctive verb mood is used when the action of renting is uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb mood implies that the renting will only happen if something else does. In formal French writing, you will likely come across the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive as these are literary verb forms. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je loue louerais louai louasse tu loues louerais louas louasses il loue louerait loua lout nous louions louerions loumes louassions vous louiez loueriez loutes louassiez ils louent loueraient lourent louassent The imperative verb form is used in short demands and exclamations. When using it, skip the subject pronoun: use loue instead of tu loue. Imperative (tu) loue (nous) louons (vous) louez
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