Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Racial Discrimination Still Exists in Society Essay
â€Å"I believe discrimination still exists in society and we must fight it in every form,†as stated by Andrew Cuomo the current governor of New York. All throughout history, discrimination has been an underlying issue and is one that must be stopped and fixed. Throughout time African-Americans have been the most notable victims of discrimination. Dating back to the early seventeenth century, blacks have been discriminated and enslaved for absolutely no reason. There have been many attempts to end the discrimination, but as hard as people try this is an issue that seems unconquerable. Despite the fact that the Jim Crow era has passed, it is evident from history and peoples experiences that racial discrimination still does exist today. When†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other in any game of cards or dice, dominoes or checkers,†this is just one of many terrible laws of the Jim Crow era. The Jim Crow era was a time dating back to the late 19th century and made it all the way through the mid-20th century. It was a time of cruel laws in which blacks were in no way equal to whites. These are just a few of the many inhuman laws in which the blacks were imposed. All marriages between a white person and a negro, or between a white person and a person of negro descent to the fourth generation inclusive, are hereby forever prohibited. Every employer of white or negro males shall provide for such white or negro males reasonably accessible and separate toilet facilities. All passenger stations in this state operated by any motor transportation company shall have separate waiting rooms or space and separate ticket windows for the white and colored races. It shall be unlawful to conduct a restaurant or other place for the serving of food in the city, at which white and colored people are served in the same room, unless such while and colored persons are effectuallu separated by a solid partition extending from the floor upward to a distance of seven feet or higher, and unless a separate entramce from the street is provided for each compartment. There were two specific court cases thatShow MoreRelatedRacial Prejudice And Racial Discrimination Essay1347 Words  | 6 PagesRacial discrimination is one of many terms used to express the suppression of a race or many races, but more specifically, it refers to the ill-treatment a person or group receives as a result of differences in their race, color, descent, national, ethnic origin or immigrant status. (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2016). 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Although explicit racial incidents are not a common occurrence, they do happen. Here at school, a visible minority student left the school when a car sped past her, while the young men inside shouted racial slurs. Two Read MoreRacism And Racism : New Zealand Essay1455 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"In Aotearoa New Zealand the legacy of ongoing colonization by European (especially British) settlers has produced a society characterized by the presence of major ethnic and cultural disparities†(Kearns, Moewaka-Barnes, McCreanor, 2009). New Zealand has a population of around four million people. Within that amount of people ranges a vast variety of races consisting predominately of European/Pakeha, Maori, Asian and Pacific people. The Maori, who make up 15% of the population, are indigenous
Monday, December 16, 2019
Review On Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce Commerce Essay Free Essays
Our aim is to be the primary fiscal establishment for our clients. Our success depends on edifice strong relationships and on our ability to assist clients accomplish their fiscal ends ( www.cibc. We will write a custom essay sample on Review On Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce Commerce Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now com ) . Like other Bankss, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ( CIBC ) has on-line banking, telephone banking, concern banking and personal banking. One subdivision that looks interesting is the country in which they call Personal Wealth. The latter point that was made seems to be really strategic. It puts the client in control of wealth or deficiency thereof. I am impressed with that facet of their selling scheme. The occupations that can be secured at this degree are gross revenues associates to account directors. There is a batch of room for turning within CIBC. Finance The construction found within the fiscal facet of the organisation is that of Director of finance, senior fiscal analyst and fiscal analyst. â€Å" The Finance group provides fiscal services to CIBC ‘s concerns through effectual administration and determination support procedures †( www.cibc.ca ) . The manager and senior fiscal analysts have more duties herein. CIBC has fiscal duties as a concern. They have a system of answerability that helps to command what information is being used within the company. The Director most probably has most duties of that control, within the organisation and every bit far as clients are concerned, concern or otherwise. Human Resources The Human Resources section is non in a class of its ain within CIBC. This construction falls under a much larger construction of Administration. â€Å" [ Human Resources ] develops and implements plans to pull, retain and support employees throughout their callings at CIBC †( www.cibc.ca ) . Part of this construction, non unlike other organisations, is responsible for preparation and fiting employees to develop their callings so that turn-over is minimum. Operationss Operationss ‘ was slightly equivocal on the CIBC web page. It fell under the class of engineering and operations. I am non truly certain as to why they would chunk those two together. From what I can see is CIBC runs like a well-oiled machine. They decidedly have all their bases covered and it seems like there is much room for growing within the organisation, and it appears to be a healthy topographic point in which to construct one ‘s calling. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.cibc.com/ca/personal.html Organizational Structure The organisational construction of CIBC is of incorporate type of administration which has both level ( horizontal ) and perpendicular type of constructions. Long-run success involves effectual administration. CIBC has already been recognized as a leader in this country, they endeavour every twelvemonth for uninterrupted betterments in their administration construction and procedures. Integrated administration theoretical account CIBC ‘s senior direction squad plays a really of import function in the overall control of CIBC ‘s concerns by supplying timely and precise information to the Board to help the managers in their misinterpretation undertakings. Regular and sincere dealingss between the Board and direction are another cardinal facet of a well-built administration to back up the long-run involvements of CIBC ‘s investors. Another factor of good administration is that it besides include being a responsible corporate citizen. CIBC is renowned as a leader in ecological concern patterns and corporate societal duty. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.cibc.com/ca/inside-cibc/governance.html Board Responsibilities and Governance Structure The Board is responsible to oversee the direction of CIBC ‘s concern and associations. The Board provides way to direction, through the Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) , to rehearse the best involvements of CIBC. The Board ‘s has a of import function to be played in the duties that are outlined below. Strategic planning The Board supervises the development of CIBC ‘s strategic way, procedure, program and precedences, reviews Management ‘s knowing program, approves the one-year strategic program and considers direction ‘s reappraisal of emerging tendencies, the competitory environment, hazard issues and of import concern patterns and merchandises. Hazard direction The Board reviews direction studies on stuff hazards related with the CIBC ‘s concerns and operations, the public presentation by direction of systems to pull off these hazards and material lacks in the map of these systems. Corporate administration The Board reviews CIBC ‘s progress to corporate administration, manager independency, the Code of moral rules for Directors and CIBC Code of Conduct for employees. Fiscal information The Board reviews CIBC ‘s internal controls depicting the fiscal information, direction studies on stuff defects associating to those controls and the unity of CIBC ‘s fiscal information and systems Communicationss The Board reviews CIBC ‘s taken as a whole communications attack, procedure for having stockholder response, stuff alterations to CIBC ‘s revelation guidelines and the communicating construction between the Board and its stakeholders. Board commissions The Board set up commissions and their authorizations and requires commission chairs to give a study to the Board on stuff affairs considered by the commission at the following Board meeting. Director development and rating Each manager participates in CIBC ‘s manager development plan. The Board assess the public presentation of the Board, its commissions and the, its commissions and managers Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.cibc.com/ca/pdf/about/corp-gov-practices.pdf Organizational design Geographic Design It groups occupations on the footing of district or geographics, here we are speaking about the CIBC, which is the taking bank in Canada and it deals with the people of different geographical parts in Canada. More of the effectual and the efficient handling of a specific geographic regional issues that by and large arise within the geographic part and serve the demands of alone geographic markets better in this geographic part and the chief things in this sort of design are the duplicate of maps of the subdivision and it can experience isolated from other organisational countries of the bank Functional Design A functional construction is a design that groups similar or related occupational fortes together. It is the functional attack to the full organisation. Customer based Design: Every organisation would happen it really advantageous to form harmonizing to the types of clients it serves. CIBC is money imparting n service distribution Company that lends money to clients, concern clients, big concerns, and little concerns may make up one’s mind to establish its primary divisions on these sorts of different markets. It is the forces can so go proficient in the service, run intoing the demands of the Bankss different clients. In this manner, an organisation that offers services like as banking or service may group its workers harmonizing to the types of clients of the bank. Merchandise Design The merchandise design is the design which groups the occupations by merchandise line in the system. Each of the directors in the organisation is responsible for an country within the organisational bounds depending on his/her specialisation. This design allows specialisation in peculiar merchandises and services of the banking sector and this design even manages the system by the manner that directors can go experts in their industry and come closer to clients and the negative factor in this is the duplicate of the system ‘s workers maps with a limited position of the organisational ends Service design The CIBC is a client service dependent organisation or the banking sector in which the clients are respected really much and are treated with regard and in this design the directors take care really much of the service offered to the clients. Hybrid design The CIBC is this sort of the organisation in which the clients are most well-thought-of and the director will take attention of the client and the design will be created to cover with each client. Chiefly the undertaking director will cover with the client relation research and best client service. Matrix Design CIBC organisation finds that none of the mentioned constructions meet their turning demands. The lone attack that attempts to get the better of insufficiencies is the matrix construction, which is the combination of two or more different constructions. Functional design normally is being combined with merchandise groups on a undertaking footing. For illustration, a merchandise or a service group wants to develop a new add-on to its line ; for this undertaking, it will obtain forces from functional sections such as research, technology, production, and selling. These forces so work under the director of the merchandise group for the continuance of the undertaking, which can change greatly with mention to the completion of the undertaking. Selling channels design The selling organisation ‘s design straight impacts ability to react rapidly to the alone kineticss of your industry, market place, and corporate aims. Selling organisations see themselves less effectual as they are disconnected from concern they are back uping, they are structured to run into yesterday ‘s demands, or have experienced a talent-decline. Over the clip, the map can acquire apart with the selling cognition of the industry and accomplishment degrees needed by the company, as going distanced from those driving concern in gross revenues, the market and executive direction. Marketing organisation appraisal and design Skill and cognition appraisals Productivity ratings Job design/skills demands Marketing accomplishments developing Capability edifice Marketing executive coaching Departmentalization The environment is complex and unsure. And the lower-level directors are capable and experienced at doing determinations because of their engagements in the systems treatments. As such they get a voice in determinations, their determinations are comparatively minor. Here in the corporate civilization, we see that it is unfastened to directors, leting them to hold a say in what happens in the system with their determinations. The company is geographically dispersed over the peculiar part with a criterion. The effectual execution by the directors for the company ‘s lead depends on directors being involved and their flexibleness to do determinations. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.emaytrix.com/mgmt307/section3.php How to cite Review On Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce Commerce Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Service Marketing Of Albert Toll Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discsuss about the Service Marketing Of Albert Toll. Answer: Introduction Albert Toll found Tolls courier Service in Newcastle, Australia in 1888 and he passed the business to his family in 1959. Under the leadership of Peko Wallsend, Tolls developed into a national courier. Highly experienced group of executives leads Tolls courier group thereby, harnessing the significant resources and using it effectively (Tollgroup.com, 2017). Japan Post has undertaken Tolls Courier Company in 2015 as a part of their global expansion (Tollgroup.com, 2017). This report highlights the 7 Ps of marketing mix implemented by Tolls Courier Company along with suggesting recommendations in order to meet the customers expectations. Evaluating the 7 Ps of marketing mix As commented by Yasanallah and Bidram (2012), 7 Ps of marketing mix allows the business organizations to communicate the product or the service to the target customers. Effective implementation of 7 Ps of marketing mix will allow Tolls Courier Company to communicate their service to the Australian population. Product or Service The company offers a wide range of services from shipping bulk cargo to single package from warehouse data to digital data and for a person or for an entire camp. The services provided by Tolls Courier Company include airport service, port services, and passenger services. The airport passenger services include check-in, baggage service, handling delay and disruption. The services provided by the company ensure truly integrated logistics solutions. Additionally, the service provided by the company includes document, parcel, warehouse and consultancy services (Tollgroup.com, 2017). Price The price and rate asked for the services provided by the Tolls Courier Company are based on the weight of the package and the transit used for delivering the parcels. The company charges $20-$25 per domestic shipment. However, the company charges almost $150-$200 up to 10 kg for international shipment. The company charges additional $50 for per kg after 10 kg. Apart from the charges of the services, the company also includes other charges such as duty tax, shipment insurance, Go Green Climate Neutral, Carbon estimate and carbon footprint (Service Rate Guide 2017: Australia, 2017). Place The company provides courier service both at the domestic market and at an international market. The company couriers both residential and commercial packages nationally and internationally. Additionally, the packages can be of various sizes including small, medium and large. The wide network of the courier company has allowed them to provide service even at the remote locations within and outside Australia (Wirtz 2012). People The company supports and encourages equality among the employees, as they consider the employees as one of the valuable assets. The company has a culturally diverse workforce and the employees are highly focused and customer-centric. Moreover, the employees are not afraid of challenges, as they are collaborative and passionate about their work. The company values their employees due to which the employees form long-term association with the company (Tollgroup.com, 2017) Promotion Toll Courier Company has been operating in Australia for many years and has successfully established them nationally and internationally. The promotional strategies used by the company include service at the doorstep, one-stop shopping and surveying the market. Toll Courier Company believes in making the life of the customers easy thereby, delivering parcels at their doorsteps. The use of one-stop shopping will help in attracting customers due to the innovativeness and measuring solutions (Al Muala and Al Qurneh 2012). Physical Evidence The sales staff members, as well as the vehicles and the aircraft, plays a major role from providing service within and outside Australia. Therefore, the company emphasizes less of buildings, landscape, and interiors. The company emphasizes more on direct customer interaction due to which the company recruits front desk executives and provide coded information for the parcels and packages (Jain 2013). Process The process followed and implemented by Toll Courier Company includes procuring products from the clients, procurement, managing order and functions. Additionally, the company also facilitates delivering products to the customers at the doorsteps. The company also uses EDI, EFT, bandwidth, and DSS for planning and execution their delivery within and outside Australia (Chikweche and Fletcher 2012). Recommendation Based on the 7 P's of the marketing mix, there are certain things that need to be improved by Toll Courier Company. As the company provides a wide range of services, they need to mention the information related to the services in details on the website. The customers should be able to access the information of the services at a click (Anitsal, Girard and Anitsal 2012). The company needs to use penetration-pricing strategy for the new customers. Though the company has been providing service in Australia over the years and have created large customer base, using penetration-pricing strategy will help the Toll Courier Company to attract new customers The company needs to provide more than six months of maternity leave for the female employees. This will help the company in maintaining an equal workforce in terms of gender and enable them to continue the career with the company in the coming years. The promotional strategies can be improved by using sports as the medium of promotion. Cast Away id one of Oscar-nominated movie that can be used by the brand for promotion. Moreover, the company can target localities in Australia with new immigrants and distribute brochures. This will help in spreading knowledge about their service among the new population. The company needs to open new outlets in remote Australian locations so that customers are able to access their service. Having few outlets in remote locations will save the trouble for the customers to visit the outlets in the city thereby, saving their valuable time The company needs to enhance their physical evidence by providing sufficient information and of how the entire process works. This will also help in separating the wide range of customers effectively by the technical team. In order to improve the process, Toll Courier Company needs to conduct huge market surveys. This will allow the company to understand how effective and to what extent the services provided by the company have been accepted. Strategies for meeting customers' expectations The two major areas that Toll Courier Company needs improvement, as they are unable to meet the customers expectations are communication with the customers and consider customer feedbacks for improving the service. Toll Courier Company provides a wide range of services both within and outside Australia. With time, the demand and expectations of the customers have changed. Though the company provides effective and efficient service, they fail in maintaining regular communication with the customers (Leonidou et al. 2013). Additionally, the customers do not receive positive after service communication from the company. Therefore, to establish effective communication with the customers, the company needs to implement live chat to enhance their customer service (Arnett and Wittmann 2014). Having the live chat will allow the company to assist the customers whenever they need. For example, if a customer is having difficulty in availing a service, the option of live chat will help the custom er in getting instant help. This will also help the company in increasing the customer base and business for the company. Additionally, having the option of live chat will allow the company to have a better understanding of the current demand for the type of services among the customers. Using the information will provide a competitive advantage for the company. For example, the company can provide offers and discounts to the customers on the services that are preferred by the customers (Morgan, Katsikeas and Vorhies 2012). On the other hand, the company needs to improve in considering the feedbacks received by the customers. The company needs to act promptly on the feedback provided by the customers. This will help the company to improve their services according to the present expectations and demand of the customers. As the company operates at a global scale, the services provided by them might vary across the countries. For example, the international customers might not prefer the way of service provided in Australia. Therefore, considering the feedbacks of the customers across various countries will help the company to improve and enhance their service quality. Considering the customer feedbacks will allow the company to know the areas they are lacking and improve them. Conclusion In this report, it can be concluded that the Toll Courier Company operating in Australia and across various countries. The company is a courier company that provides wide of services such as delivering airport service, port services, and passenger services. The company has implemented the 7 Ps of the marketing mix for communicating the service to the target customers. However, the recommendations have been suggested for each Ps of the marketing mix for enhancing the service provided by the company. It can be seen that the company has failed in living up to the customers expectations. Therefore, in order to improve the customer satisfaction, the company needs to implement live chat service and consider their feedbacks for improving the organizational service. This will allow the company to remain updated with the latest demands and expectations in terms of services for the customers. References Al Muala, A. and Al Qurneh, M., 2012. Assessing the relationship between marketing mix and loyalty through tourists satisfaction in Jordan curative tourism. American Academic Scholarly Research Journal, 4(2), p.1. Anitsal, I., Girard, T. and Anitsal, M.M., 2012. An Application of Services Marketing Mix Framework: How do Retailers Communicate Information on Their Sales Receipts?,. Business Studies Journal, 4(2), pp.77-90. Arnett, D.B. and Wittmann, C.M., 2014. Improving marketing success: The role of tacit knowledge exchange between sales and marketing. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), pp.324-331. Chikweche, T. and Fletcher, R., 2012. Revisiting the marketing mix at the bottom of pyramid (BOP): from theoretical considerations to practical realities. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(7), pp.507-520. Jain, M.K., 2013. An analysis of marketing mix: 7Ps or more. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 1(4). Leonidou, L.C., Leonidou, C.N., Fotiadis, T.A. and Zeriti, A., 2013. Resources and capabilities as drivers of hotel environmental marketing strategy: Implications for competitive advantage and performance. Tourism Management, 35, pp.94-110. Morgan, N.A., Katsikeas, C.S. and Vorhies, D.W., 2012. Export marketing strategy implementation, export marketing capabilities, and export venture performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(2), pp.271-289. Service Rate Guide 2017: Australia. (2017). SERVICE RATE GUIDE 2017. [online] Available at: https://www.dhl.com.au/content/dam/downloads/au/express/shipping/rate_guides/dhl_express_rate_transit_guide_au_en.pdf [Accessed 21 Sep. 2017]. Tollgroup.com. (2017). About Japan Post | Toll Group - Providing Global Logistics. [online] Available at: https://www.tollgroup.com/about-japan-post [Accessed 21 Sep. 2017]. Tollgroup.com. (2017). Our People | Toll Group - Providing Global Logistics. [online] Available at: https://www.tollgroup.com/our-people [Accessed 21 Sep. 2017]. Tollgroup.com. (2017). Services | Toll Group - Providing Global Logistics. [online] Available at: https://www.tollgroup.com/services [Accessed 21 Sep. 2017]. Tollgroup.com. (2017). Toll History | Toll Group - Providing Global Logistics. [online] Available at: https://www.tollgroup.com/history [Accessed 21 Sep. 2017]. Wirtz, J., 2012. Essentials of services marketing. FT Press. Yasanallah, P. and Bidram, V., 2012. Studying the Status of Marketing Mix (7Ps) in Consumer Cooperatives at Ilam Province from Members' Perspectives. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2(4), p.194.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
What Are Some Of The Major Problems Faced By Third World Countries Ess
What are some of the major problems faced by "Third World" Countries today? Who should be held responsible for these problems? Why? What has Canada done to help "Third World Countries"? There has always been a dominant country in the world that sets the economic standard throughout powerful countries. Canada has always been a top rated economic country, usually behind the United States and other large Commonwealth countries. Starting back in the early to mid 60's, Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau decided to use Canadian revenue as foreign aid. These included "Third World". Some of the major problems faced by "Third World" countries today include poor towns which have had a lack of food sources due to the serious poverty, lack of clean drinking water, lack of good sanitation systems, lack of good living conditions, lack of jobs and there is no industry, therefore no import or export revenue. The governments of the "Third World" countries have done horrible jobs of creating good living conditions for their people and in all have not tried to bring their country out of their economic slump. As Canada entered it second century, Prime Minister Trudeau called for a complete review of Canada's foreign policy. Starting in 1968 interested Canadians including politicians, journalists, professors, business leaders, financial experts, as well as church and labour leaders were invited to offer opinions and advice in what was called the Trudeau Review. The ending of this meeting brought about six foreign policy booklets which outlined the benefits of Canadian foreign aid. Some of these benefits included to help the Canadian economy grow stronger, to keep Canada independent, to work for peace and security, to promote fairness and equality for everyone and to improve living conditions for all people throughout the world. The Canadian foreign policy review suggested that Canada strengthened it's ties with Latin America. Trudeau visited Mexico, Cuba and Venezuela in 1976. Canada's trade with Latin America increased from $1099 million in 1970 to $3418 million in 1976. Also Canada gave an increasing amount of development funds to a number of Latin American countries. Canada, in 1973 had a major concern about the middle east and made an effort to bring about a lasting peace to the Arab-Israeli conflict. 1050 Canadian military specialists became part of the United Nations emergency force where they tried to maintain a cease fire by providing supplies, transportation and communication during the 1973 peacekeeping role. The Trudeau foreign policy review recommended that Canada was to work hard to support the United Nations and make it an effective organization for international co-operation. Canada contributed heavily, and still does so, to all the U.N organizations that are striving to help poor nations and are working toward the disarmament of nuclear weapons and human rights. Canada contributed the ninth largest share of the regular annual budget to the United Nations. Another issue that faced Canada was the fact that China's membership in the United Nations brought Canada into conflict with some other U.N members, especially the United States. Since 1966 Canada had said that it was becoming increasingly more important that China be represented at the U.N. At the time, the U.N only recognized the former government of China which was established on the island of Taiwan. The Canadian government prides itself on sending foreign aid to developing countries. In the 1970's there was an estimated 4.2 billion people on the earth, more then 2.5 billion of them were starving. It was also estimated that by the year 2000 the starving population could double. Canada tried very hard to provide these needy "Third World" countries with the best possible aid. Without the help of Canada as well as other "First World" countries such as the United States and Australia the "Third World" countries would not be around for this long and would have absolutely no hope of survival. --------------------------------------------------------------
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Colonialism and the Caribbean essays
Colonialism and the Caribbean essays Before one can appropriately discuss the validity of this claim one must first establish and comprehend what was colonialism, what were the social, economic, political, and cultural models instituted during and after colonialism. One must also have an understanding of the history of the Caribbean in order to appropriately establish and comprehend why things are the way it was, is, and is going to be. Colonialism, according to the Cambridge Encyclopaedia is a policy whereby a body of persons from a parent country migrates to and settles in acquired or conquered territories beyond the borders of their country. The colony of settlers establishes an administration that is subordinate to that of the mother country. A colony or foreign extension of an expanding power is therefore a political entity set up in a distant, eternal land, for purposes of settlement and exploitation, by a group of white settlers from a mother country that establishes ownership and sovereignty over the territory, which is kept dependent upon that mother country. Colonialism was a system for conquering or otherwise acquiring and managing non-independent territories, for extracting their mineral resources such as gold and silver, and for exploiting their agricultural and other raw materials, as well as their labour as cheaply as possible, for the benefit of the strong, white European powers over the weak, people of the Caribbean. Above all it was a system for the social, economic, political and cultural over-rule of the helpless in the Caribbean colonies by the colonial power that were militarily and technologically superior.Colonialism went hand in hand with nationalism and mercantilism and together these represented a closed system within which the parent country, particularly Britain in the eastern Caribbean, was dominant, and the colonies like Barbados were kept in a state of dependency. The colonies produced the raw materials and agricultural pro...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Simple French Verb Conjugations for Louer (to Rent)
Simple French Verb Conjugations for Louer (to Rent) The French verb louer means to rent. When you need to say rented, renting, or will rent a conjugation is required. French students will be delighted to know that this ones pretty easy because it follows the most common verb conjugation pattern found in the language. Conjugations of the French Verb Louer Louer is a regular -er verb and the endings required in the conjugations follow the pattern of similar words. If you know how to conjugate inviter (to invite), fumer (to smoke), or any other verbs that end in -er, then this will be an easy lesson. The trick to French verb conjugations is that the ending changes with the subject pronoun as well as the past, future, or present tense. First, you must identify the verb stem and in this case, that is lou-. With that information, follow the table to discover the appropriate endings for each form of louer. For example, I am renting is je loue and we will rent is nous louerons. Practicing these in context using simple sentences will make them easier to memorize. Subject Present Future Imperfect je loue louerai louais tu loues loueras louais il loue louera louait nous louons louerons louions vous louez louerez louiez ils louent loueront louaient The Present Participle of Louer The present participle of louer is louant. This was formed by simply adding -ant to the verb stem. Beyond its use as a verb, it can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed. The Passà © Composà © and Past Participle The passà © composà ©Ã‚ is a common way to express the past tense in French. Its very easy and requires the use of the past participle louà ©. In order to complete the construction, conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to fit the subject pronoun. For instance, I rented becomes jai louà © while we rented is nous avons louà ©. Notice how ai and avons are conjugates of avoir, yet the past participle does not change. More Simple Louer Conjugations to Learn Those are the most important conjugations of louer that you should know. Once you learn those, consider studying these other simple forms. The subjunctive verb mood is used when the action of renting is uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb mood implies that the renting will only happen if something else does. In formal French writing, you will likely come across the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive as these are literary verb forms. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je loue louerais louai louasse tu loues louerais louas louasses il loue louerait loua lout nous louions louerions loumes louassions vous louiez loueriez loutes louassiez ils louent loueraient lourent louassent The imperative verb form is used in short demands and exclamations. When using it, skip the subject pronoun: use loue instead of tu loue. Imperative (tu) loue (nous) louons (vous) louez
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Choose an environmental topic, analyse the message about the issue Essay
Choose an environmental topic, analyse the message about the issue that is being constructed in the media source you have selected - Essay Example Such a broadened understanding in turn helps in effective policy formulation and resolve issues in an amicable manner. The depiction of environmental issues by the media has increased significantly, over the last couple of decades. Various environmental groups as well as government departments have been relying on the media heavily, for promotion of their self-interests as well as for raising awareness regarding the depletion of sources and encouraging the public to support their cause. Such an alliance of the media and the environmental groups / and or other groups endorsing environmental issues; often raises significant issues related to government policy formulation, risk to public life, etc. among others. This paper aims to study and analyze the issue of â€Å"oil sands pollution†in Canadian waterways as represented by the Canadian print media – especially the newspapers. For this purpose articles from some select newspapers such as The Globe and Mail, Edmonton Journal, The Gazette, and The Vancouver Sun are chosen for analysis. Dryzek has identified several discourses associated with environmental problems such as - Survivalism, Environmental problem solving, Sustainability, Green radicalism, Administrative rationalism, Democratic pragmatism, Economic rationalism and Sustainable development. The articles discussed below, will seek to identify and analyze some such discourses and assess their relevance and impact, generated by the print media. In this article the writer has discussed about the rising level of pollution around the Athabasca River and its tributaries on account of emissions from oil sands. In order to lend credibility to the arguments presented in the article the writer has included a research paper presenting contradictory views of the energy industry and the Alberta government regarding the underlying causes of this issue. The writer has directed
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Bladder washouts in the maintanence of long term indwelling catheters Essay
Bladder washouts in the maintanence of long term indwelling catheters - Essay Example It has been found that catheter material should be appropriately selected to allow for safe washouts. Washing out of the bladder with sterile fluid is known as bladder washout and it involves two types. One, bladder lavage and the other bladder irrigation. Lavage involves washing out the bladder in sterile fluid indicated to clear an obstructed catheter and to remove possible sources of obstruction due to blood clot or sediments caused by infection. Irrigation is the continuous washing out of the bladder in sterile manner indications for which are prevention of formation and retention of blood clots and rarely removal of heavily contaminated material from a sick urinary bladder (Dougherty, Lister and Lister, 2004 p 275). This paper deals with the role of bladder washouts in the maintenance of long-term indwelling catheters. Before going into detail of the washout mechanisms and other procedures involved, it is essential to discuss bladder function, incontinence and long dwelling catheters. The objective of this paper is to examine whether bladder washouts are ideal in the maintenance of long term indwelling catheters. Urine continence is the state of urine being stored in the bladder without involuntary leakage. Stress incontinence occurs when the subject exerts coughs or sneezes. Urge incontinence happens while in urgency. Mixed incontinence happens when there is a combination of exertion and urgency. A UK survey found that one in three had bladder dysfunction among 10,000 adults of age 40 and above interviewed (Getliffe and Thomas 2007p 1) Collection of urine at low pressure and regular voiding of urine are the functions of the bladder and lower urinary tract respectively. The bladder is located at the pelvic cavity just at the back of symphysis pubis. Lying outside the peritoneal cavity, it extends upwards as it gets filled between the peritoneum and the wall of the external body.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The play, An Inspector Calls is written by J.B Priestley Essay Example for Free
The play, An Inspector Calls is written by J.B Priestley Essay The play, An Inspector Calls is written by J. B Priestley. It was written in 1945 and set in 1912, just before World War One. The play is all set in the Birling household in Bromley. In the play the Birlings and Gerald Croft are celebrating the engagement of Sheila Birling and Gerald. The are all celebrating in a self-satisfied way. Arthur Birling is telling Eric and Gerald about every man should be for himself and that everyone should look out for themselves and their families. There is a knock on the door and Inspector Goole bears the news of a young woman who died in an infirmary from drinking disinfectant. The Inspector slowly implicates all of the Birlings and Gerald into the suicide of the girl, Eva Smith. Mr. Birling fired Eva from her job, as she wanted a small pay-rise. Sheila got Eva fired from a job in Milwards by using her social power just because she was jealous of her. Gerald had met her and gave her a place to stay, but had then left her after a while. Eric had met her in a pub and then made love to her and got her pregnant; he then stole money from his father, Arthur to help support her. Mrs. Birling then turned Eva down from her help community and made sure no one else listened to Evas story. The Inspector made everyone confess to what they had done to contribute to Evas death. After the Inspector left, Arthur and Gerald realised that the Inspector wasnt really an Inspector. They all thought they were in the clear when the phone rang and the real police said there was a girl dead in an infirmary, and that the police were on there way to the Birling household for an interview. At that point the play ends. The structure is that it consists of three acts and it is set in real time, so the time it takes for story to unfold is the same time it takes the audience to watch the play. It also has a unity of place and action, so it is all in the same place (the Birling household) and so is the action. I think it is set like this to give the audience help in understanding the morality of the play, which is We are all members of one body, we are all responsible for each other. Priestleys main aims about responsibility is that he is saying everyone is responsible for everyone else, and that you cannot just care about yourself, the opposite of what Arthur Birling thinks. He demonstrates this by slowly making all the characters partly responsible for Evas death, and as a whole all the characters drove Eva to her death. So Priestley is teaching the characters a lesson as well as the audience watching. At the beginning of the play Priestley makes Arthur say a man has to mind his own business and look after himself but after the play the Inspector comes in Priestley contradicts what Arthur said by making all the characters partly responsible for Evas death. Priestley sets the play in real time so both the audience and characters can experience the feelings and emotions of the play at the same time. In the play, Priestley has made Arthur a man who believes in only looking out for yourself and your family only. Arthur makes out to be a man who can do as he pleases just because of his social and business position. Priestley also makes Arthur say things like -the Titanic- she sails next week-forty-six thousand eight hundred tons-New York in five days-and every luxury-and unsinkable Priestley made Arthur say this knowing full well that the Titanic was sinkable and did sink! I think Priestley is trying to make out about how wrong Arthur is on many aspects of life and that he is also wrong in thinking every man for himself.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Whiskey Rebellion :: essays research papers
The Whiskey Rebellion      On August 1, 1794, President George Washington was once again leading troops. Only this time Washington was not striking out against the British but rather against fellow Americans. The occasion for this was the Whiskey Rebellion. Various efforts had been made to diminish the heated opposition towards the tax on distilled liquors. However, there was only one man who has derived the best course of action. That man, President George Washington, deserves all the credit and recognition for his actions concerning the Whiskey Rebellion.      In September 1791 the western counties of Pennsylvania broke out in rebellion against a federal â€Å"excise†tax on the distillation of liquor. After local and federal officials were attacked, President Washington and his advisors decided to send troops to assuage the region. On August 14, 1792, under the militia law, Henry Knox (secretary of war) had called for 12,950 troops. After this, many problems arose, both political and logistical. These dilemmas had to be overcome, and by October, 1794 the men were on the march towards Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. There, they contained the mob hysteria and anger. This event represented the first use of the Militia Law of 1792 enabling the militia to â€Å" execute the laws of the union, and suppress insurrection†(The Whiskey Rebellion of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1).      It is clear that George Washington was the source of success in the Whiskey Rebellion. When the militia, with Washington and Hamilton at its lead, reached western Pennsylvania, it became clear that there would be no armed resistance. Evidence of Washington's leadership in this rebellion took place when the â€Å"Representatives of the insurgents asked for clemency, and Washington granted it with stipulation that they comply with federal laws thereafter†(The Precipice of Power). This agreement forced the public to abide by the rules of the government and their taxes without any destructive rebellions. It was evident that Alexander Hamilton was not the backbone of this success. â€Å"His actions provided undeniable proof to Republicans that Hamilton was a monster who would stop at nothing to defend his corrupt policies, a budding Caesar bent on establishing monarchy†(A Biography of Alexander Hamilton). Hamilton did not care as much about the success of his government but of himself and his beliefs on the nation. Furthermore, Hamilton was planning on resigning, hence making it crucial to him to entrench the policies he had put into place. â€Å"For the remainder of his life Hamilton worried that his work would be destroyed, his
Monday, November 11, 2019
Hotel departments
General manager which use recommendations of executive committee embers is responsible for all main decisions which impact to hotel life. The members of executive committee do together their forecasts of filling in of hotel and calculate budget,defining main incomes and outcomes. And in the meeting of members of committee there are discussed these questions and problems: the level filling in forecast,plans of marketing and sales,professional preparing of stuff,main articles of outcomes,questions of reconstruction of hotel,relations with hosts,energy economy,utilizing,new legislation,practice and rentable actions. 2,page 189] At the top is the customer. Customers are the reason hotels are here. Mission is to ensure that every guest leaves satisfied and wants to return, thus ensuring 3 customer loyalty. We have two types of customers: external customers?our guests? and internal customers, who are the hotel's associates. Associate implies partnership and working together, which is subtl e but powerful message. The Job of the supervisors, managers, and the leadership team is to support the front line and remove the barriers to doing good work,lead and help people do their Jobs better.This means managers support the front line by demonstrating concern for associates (and it must be their problems quickly and fairly,above all, treating associates with dignity,kindness, and respect. Putting the GM at the bottom of the pyramid shows that the leader actually works for the people who work with the leader. We view my role as doing whatever it takes to gain and keep customers. [1 ,page 86],(See the scheme 2). 4 Chapter 1 . Front Hotel(departments which are visible by guests at first).The front of the house refers to those departments that deal directly with, and are seen by, hotel guests. These departments also include management departments. The departments which related with rooms and their functions, sales and marketing department,food and beverage department. Room divis ion departments includes fronted,reservation,segmentation of customer, housekeeping(back heterogeneity, security providing services departments. [2,page 190] The department of sales and reservation provide realization rooms.Service, front office,night audit, accounting, credit, office management, security, personnel, banquet, advertising,public relations, sales, resident management, executive management,and all subdivisions of these he back of the house, most top positions and all executive posts lie in the front. [4] 1. 1 The departments which related with rooms and their functions. Room division departments. Front office. Front office has been described as the hub or nerve center of the hotel. It is the department that makes a first impression on the guest and one that the guest relies on throughout his or her stay for information and service.It's duty is to enhance guest services by constantly developing services to meet guest needs. It is the most important department of the hot el. The main function of this apartment is to give warm welcome to the guest . It helps to create good image in front of the guest. This is the first department where guest comes in contact with. It generates the maximum revenue for the hotel as it sells room to the guests. This also includes sub departments like reservation, Bell desk, and Information desk. It also provides some facilities like concierge service to the guest [5] .The front office will try to sell out all the remaining rooms to call-in or walk-in guests to ensure 100%occupancy. Also,it should apply the yield management that is upsetting the eaters off larger room, a higher floor or a better view in higher 5 price for someone booking a room with shortly notice when the demand of room is high,to maintain balanced guest account. [5] Communication service is important element in work of hotel,because function of hotel depends on that. It is the centre of income,hotels usually add to tariff of international calling 50%.T he center of communication works round hours in three shift times. [2, page 212]. Concierge. The concierge is a superset department from the front office room clerks and cashiers. Concierges serve to elevate a property's marketable value and its image. They provide the special touch services that can cater to a guest's precise needs. Also, they can speak several languages. They will assist the guests with a board range of service, such as restaurant reservation, advice on local activities, tickets to show or VSP messages and special request. 6] A receptionist is an employee taking an office/ administrative support position. The work is usually performed in a waiting area such as a lobby front office desk of an organization or business. The title â€Å"receptionist†is attributed to the person who is employed by an organization to receive or greet any suitors, patients, or clients and answer telephone calls. [7] Working in the hotel and hospitality industry requires interactin g with people. A hotel night manager Job is multi-faceted.He is responsible for all aspects of the hotel that go on overnight. He needs to be ready to respond to a variety of situations such as late check-ins, intoxicated guests and loud parties. [8] Uniform service. Because of importance of first impressions of client the special responsibility has uniformed stuff. The chief is manager of gusts services. Hall porters,concierge and bellboys,although in some tolls concierges obey to directly to manager of front office. Hall porters first meet guests and communicate with them.Wearer in attractive uniform they stay at the door of hotel ,help them get off from car,call for them taxi,politely answering the questions of guests about hotel and its surroundings. The main function of bellboys is accompanying of gusts and delivering luggage to 6 their numbers. They help to people in explaining of working some things in infrastructure, they tell them about the prices. [2, page 212] Door attend ants are dressed in impressive uniforms. They greet guests at the hotel front door, assist in peeping the door entrance clear of vehicles and giving guest information about the hotel and the local area in a courteous and friendly way. 6] For guest relations managers who work in the hospitality industry, such as in a hotel, their responsibilities include greeting guests, checking them into the hotel, providing information on hotel amenities, anticipating and responding to their needs, listening to and resolving complaints and providing excellent customer service throughout their stay. In short, it is this person's responsibility to promote a positive image of the hotel and ensure guest satisfaction. ] Functions of the Security Department: provide personal safety for members of the university community and visitors,protection and security of university property,crime prevention and investigation,enforcement of university rules and regulations,provide security for designated functions, reporting hazardous and unsafe conditions regarding university property,security and protection of personal property of the members of the university and their guests, issue of ID Cards, Passes, permissions for various purposes, identification and control of unauthorized persons and animals,lassoing tit the district administration,collecting information useful for maintaining law and order in the campus. [10] Reservation is the first contact between hotel and guest. Although this contact can be realized by telephone,the first impression about the hotel is forming here. It requires certain skills which named telemarketing skills,from the stuff. The service of reservation usually works from 8. 00 till 18. 0,amount of workers depends on size of hotel. But client must not to think that hotel try to get more out of price. For reservation required many channels: telephone,fax,telegram f 7 hotel, free telephone line for corporative clients,tournaments,internet, organization of conferences and meetings,torturer,recommendations of other hotel of this company, telephone of airport, reserves selfless come to hotel. Confirmed reservations is reservation confirmed with special notification,send from hotel to client by email or fax. Usually in this notification is showed information about room, the date of arrival and departure,amount of guests,amount of beds,and any special requirements.Guaranteed reservations happens in those cases when man who reserves room wants o get quarantines for that his order will be done. The number of credit card quarantines payment of room even in case if man don't come,hotel holds room till arriving of guest. The other form of quarantined reservation is deposit payment. In some cases for avoiding standing of rooms because of no coming of expected guest, hotel can ask deposit for one day or the whole time of staying before. For that certain sum of paying is get from the number of credit card. It is reliable method of fighting with no coming of guests. [2, page 211] 1. 2 Organizing Salina products of and services.Sales and marketing department. The main function of this department is to sell the room nights and various conferences facilities to various clientele,to sell the room nights to individual guest for holiday purpose,to make the brand image of hotel in the market,to act as an agent for hotel and provide various information of changes and updating. [1 1] Sales and Marketing handle advertisement and promotions for various departments in the hotel. Responsible for increasing sales through attracting new and repeat business and responsible for an art and a science. Sales flow from marketing. Sales is the critical link between marketing and operations.It is the role of sales to help bridge this gap and find ways for the key customer-contact members of the hotel to keep the promise of marketing. [1 ,348-349 p. ] The organization of sales management is the process of directing the personal 8 selling efforts of a hospitali ty establishment. Sales or account managers need to manage their day-to-day activity; sales teams need to coordinate their efforts. Sales account management involves developing, maintaining, and enhancing customer relationships. Sales managers develop expertise for specific market segments, industry segments, and/or customer accounts, and common traits among successful ales account executives include self-confidence, high energy, empathy, enthusiasm, and a sense of self-worth.Marketing is giving the targeted customers what they want, when they want it, where they want it, at a price they are willing and able to pay. Marketing begins, transcends, and ends with the consumer. Sales makes sure it happens. [l ,353 page] The best recommendation is that made by the public, and only when public relations truly works with the public can the property benefit. By putting the public in public relations, the public speaks for you and your property and results in profits through public relations. [l ,360 page] . See the scheme 4. Hotel Sales director. An individual employed by a business to manage the activities of subordinate sales people, and to develop and implement an effective selling strategy for the business in general. 13] Sales manager Banquet&event :Responsible for the smooth and seamless operation of the banquet department to assure 100% guest satisfaction and comfort, takes appropriate action to respond to guest complaints, maintains positive guest relations at all times and is responsible for meeting acceptable level of Quality Assurance and guest satisfaction scores for the hotel at all times. [14] A manager of travel trade sales is expansible for promoting a destination to travel agencies and tour companies. Government agencies, private consulting and research firms and professional associations all employ these managers. [15] Corporate accounts sales manager Promote and sell to assigned group market in defined geographic region.Generate hotel/resort awarenes s through direct phone sales; direct sales calls, trademarks and networking groups. Work closely with sales and marketing team to solicit, sell and confirm group business required to 9 meet budgeted sales goals. [16] Hotel sales executives play a key role in helping a hotel achieve and maintain reparability. They work to build relationships with potential clients, highlighting their facilities as optimum for business events of all kinds. They provide all the necessary information to help clients make informed decisions on the purchase of blocks of rooms and production of special events. [17] 1. 3 Organizing service of catering of visitors. Food and beverage department.This department plays a vital role on the delivering the accurate service of food and beverage by placing the orders from the hot or cold plates of kitchen to the customers table in the proper and the hospitality manner. Among the total revenue collected in the hotel, about 40% contribution is directly accredited to F& B department. For proper control and the effective different units or sections which are also called as an outlet. [18] Food and Beverage Service is the department which serves food and beverage to the guests. This is the second most revenue producing department of the hotels. Whenever guests want to enjoy meal or drinks with great ambiance they visit restaurants and bars.There are so many restaurants with different cuisines, some with live kitchen, pubs, bars and cafe which even operates 24 hours. There are different types of services offered in the restaurant such as buffet service, table of the host and al a cart menu I. E. According to the card. Food and beverage department includes: Inside and outdoor catering,Pubs and bars,Restaurants,Cafes,Room service. Food production: in this department chef prepares the world class food. All the types of cuisines are made here with different styles of cooking. The chefs prepare delicious food and put their creativity into it. Different cui sines have different kitchen and each one has its own specialized chefs.For Kitchen hygiene and cleanliness, hotel has itched stewarding department which clean the kitchen as 10 well as washes the utensils and in small hotel housekeeping takes care of cleanliness. Food & Beverage Outlets are divided in to the following categories: 1 . Retardants. Restaurants are places where Food & Drink is served. With comparing most of restaurants of hotel distinguish with their inequality and originality. And qualification of stuff is higher,but it is hard for them to work with income. There are various types of Restaurants: All Day Dining Restaurants: They are usually called as Coffee Shop or Cafe in Hotels. The main reason why they are called All Day Dining Restaurant is because of their hours of operation, as they are open for Breakfast in the morning to Lunch in the afternoon to Dinner in the evening.Fine Dining Restaurants: Fine Dining Restaurants are characterized by their elaborate and exc lusive menu with special emphasis on the very high quality food they serve. Usually the operation of this restaurant revolves around the Head Chef or Chef De Cuisine of this Outlet. Specialist Restaurants: These are Restaurants which usually have a type of National or Regional Character or Cuisine attached to them, for example: Italian Specialty Restaurant, Chinese Specialty Restaurant etc. In some Hotels they do also sometimes have Multi Cuisine Specialty Restaurant, which literally means that Restaurant serves cuisine from more than one country , or the dishes on the Menu at that Restaurant has Food Specialties from many different countries. Lounge: Lounges can be found in different hotels.Their main purpose is to offer Food & Drinks in comfortable and cozy seating in relaxed surroundings. There are many kinds of Lounges ranging from a Lounge in a Lobby, Cocktail Lounge and Cigar Lounge to Executive and Club Lounge on special Floors. 3. Bar: Bar is a place where drinks are served. There is usually a small Snacks Menu too. The service is fast and quick. 4. Discotheque/Nightclub: They are outlets where Music and Entertainment takes priority with the Food & Drink. The operation is very fast and the guest numbers 11 are large. Security is an important aspect in these operations. 5. Room Service/Len Room Dining: Room Service, also known as In Room Dining . T is the service of Food & Drink in Guest Rooms in a Hotel or a Resort. 6. Meeting and Conference Rooms: Meeting and Conference rooms together with Ball Rooms come under the Banquets Department usually in Corporate and City Hotels. MICE (Meetings, Incentives, and Conferences & Exhibitions) can alone bring much revenue in some hotels in comparison to other outlets in Hotel. 7. Ball Rooms: These are large Function Rooms which are primarily used for Functions and Weddings. The Staffing ratio of Full Time Staff in this section is very less as the Function and Wedding Business can sometimes be seasonal and extra sta ff is usually filled in by the use of Casual Staff. 8.Others: There are many other Food & Beverage outlets ranging from Fast Food Outlets to Food Courts to Snack Bars which are usually stand alone or in a shopping centre. 19] Director of food and beverage obeys to general manager and has responsibility for effective work of these directions: cousins, catering,banquet, restaurant,service in rooms,mini-bars,lobby,halls,bars, cleaning and washing dishes. [2,page 234] Cousins is directed by executive chef,which obeys to director of food and beverage and he is responsible for quality of food and effective work of cousin. Executive chef must not only satisfy but also usurpers requirements of clients for quality,food amount and its service. Executive chef has some vice-chairman – souse – chefs.So-chefs spend a lot of time for structure and administration,for that direction of work shifts is realized by so-chefs. See the scheme 5. F&B manager: he is responsible for implementat ion of agreed policies for contributing to the catering policies. The F&B manager is responsible for organizing,planning,logistics,execution around the Food and beverage responsible. Assistant F&B manager : in absence of F&B Manager,the Cast. F&B manager acts as departmental head. In general,he helps the F&B manager in running the 12 department smoothly and acts as his deputy. Quality,food amount and its service. Executive chef has some vice-chairman – soufflà ©s. O-chefs spend a lot of time for structure and administration,for that direction of work shifts is realized by so-chefs. Restaurant manager: he has overall responsibility for the organization and administration of the food and beverage service areas. Reception head waiter: he is responsible for accepting any bookings and maintaining the booking diary up to date. He will reserve tables and allot their reservation to particular stations. Head waiter: he has over all change of the staff team in the dinning room and is responsible for seeing that all the duties accessory for the preparation for service are well and efficiently carried out and nothing forgotten.Station waiter: he must be able to carry out the same as a station headwaiter and relieve him on washday off. Floor waiter: he is responsible for the service of meals in the apartments. [20] Banquet chef: The duties of the banquet chef range from menu planning to presentation of the final product . Banquet chefs are responsible for overseeing banquet events from start to finish. These events may include breakfast buffets, corporate lunch meetings with sandwich platters and individually plated multi-course dinners. The chef participates in menu development, orders the required ingredients and supplies,supervises Junior cooks in food preparation and coordinates the final presentation to the customer. 21] Banquet manager is responsible for achievement of budgeted food sales, beverage sales and labor costs,achieve maximum profitability and over- all success by controlling costs activities,control of Banquet china, cutlery, glassware, linen and equipment,completion of function delivery sheets in an accurate and timely fashion,to supervise and co-ordinate daily operation of meeting/banquet set-ups 13 ND service,completion of Banquet Bar Requisitions,to assist in menu planning and pricing and etc. [22] An executive steward oversees staff members within the dining facilities of a hospitality facility. In addition to ensuring that diners receive the utmost in customer service, these professionals ensure that all laws and regulations that govern food service provision are followed. The primary duty of an executive steward is the management of a facility's kitchen and the staff members who work in it.While the steward does not oversee the chef and other cooking staff,all other team embers such as dishwashers, kitchen runners and busboys work under his tutelage. In addition to hiring these professionals,he delegates their duties an d supervises their work. [23]. A pastry chefs role is not limited to creating pastries. For instance, some pastry chefs are charged with managing Junior kitchen staff members. Others are responsible for ensuring that the kitchen remains clean and organized. Many pastry chefs also perform administrative duties such as preparing budgets and ordering supplies for pastry making. [24] 14 Chapter 2. Back of Hotel(departments which are invisible at first by guests) As the name suggests these operations involve the activities which do not take place in front of the guests.For instance, these financial transactions begin the moment when he/ she while waiting for allocation of a room start making phone calls to his/her associates to inform them the arrival or order for something in the lobby itself. The daily night auditors help the back of the office department in the hotel in maintaining the guest accounts. The front of the house, the best sources for experience and the most opportunities f or advancement lie in the back of the house. The back of the house refers to those operations of the hotel that deal with housekeeping , human resources, purchasing, and engineering, and which are seldom observed by guests. [25] 2. Processes dealer to recruitment process,organizing stuff management,training and etc. Human resources department. Human Resources is mainly responsible for the well as induction programmers; training; employee relations; compensation; labor relations; and staff development. [26] A typical Human Resource Department is carries out the following functions: Job analysis and Job description. HER Department is also involved in designing the Job analysis and Job description for the prospective agencies. A Job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular Job.Job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties,responsibilities,most important con tributions and outcomes needed from a position,required qualifications of candidates, and reporting relationship and co- workers of a particular Job. Determining wages and salaries. HER Department is also involved in conducting market surveys and determining the wages and salaries for different position in an 15 organization. These decisions may be taken in consultation with top management and the Finance department. Recruitment and Selection. One of the most important jobs HER department is to recruit the best people for the organization. This is of crucial importance as the success of any organization depends on the quality of its workforce. Training and Development. HER department is constantly keeping a watch over the employees of the organization.In order to improve the efficiency level of the employees they have go undergo regular trainings and development programmers. All trainings and development needs are carried out by this apartment. Training might include on the Job or o ff the Job training. Employee welfare and motivation. Happy employees mean a healthy organization. HER Department conducts various employee welfare activities which might include employees get together, annual staff parties etc. HER department also reviews organizational policies and its impact on the motivation of the employees. Addressing employees grievances. HER department is the link between the workers and the management.Employees grievances related work environment are usually entertained and resolved by the HER Department. Labor management relations. HER apartment has to ensure that these relations are cordial. In case of any labor- management conflict the HER Department will play a vital role in bringing both management parties to the negotiation table and resolving the issue. Implementing organizational policies. HER Department has to coordinate with line manager and see that the organizational policies are being implemented in a proper manner. Disciplinary action can be i nitiated against employees who are not following organizational rules and regulations. All these actions are conceived and implemented by the HER department. 27] Another aspect to the human resources management tips for hotels is to implement a clear progression plan that employees can use to advance in rank at the hotel. 16 Perhaps the most important thing for a human resources manager in the hotel business to do is to lead through example. However, if they see the human resources department working hard and providing the best quality of service that they can then the employees will improve their work as well. As you can see, the importance of human resources management for hotels is very great. There are thousands of ways that a human resources manager can make a hotel run more smoothly and more
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Wireless Fingerprinting Attendance
This project presents the design methodology of wireless fingerprint management system for easy and time saving attendance. The project is used for the attendance of students at Institution. Since the project is wireless it is portable. As the student impress their fingerprint against the scanner the fingerprint module will match all the points of the fingerprint with the enrolled database. The data is maintained in the main PC. The WIFI present in the raspberry Pi b3 is used for the data transmission. This device use computer or a PC as the host device to store and verify the fingerprints. Through this automatic system time and manpower is reduced to great extent.Keywords-wireless communication, fingerprint module, raspberry Pi b3, host device. Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional wire attendance system, a design method of wireless fingerprint attendance system based on inbuilt WIFI technology is proposed. The system includes terminal fingerprint acquisition module and attendance management module in computer. It can realize automatically such functions as information acquisition of fingerprint, processing, wireless transmission, fingerprint matching, and attendance management. However, the inclusion of integrated Bluetooth 4.1 and 802.11n WIFI will please many, as it'll reduce the need to scour component sites for cheap USB dongles. The Wi-Fi is particularly good news, as it means you'll no longer need to take up one of your precious USB ports with a Wi-Fi adaptor. The experiment results show the transmission time is saved over one third and transmission efficiency is improved greatly. It realized low-cost and high-performance wireless fingerprint attendance function, which provided a new wireless fingerprint attendance system for enterprises and institutions. In the proposed paper complete development and implementation of attendance management system is provided. Various modulus which constitutes different parts of the attendance management system are explained using their hardware requirement.SYSTEM DISCRIPTIONThe description of complete attendance management system is given below. The below two sections 2.1 and 2.2 tells us completely about the hardware used in the system and the structure of the system. In the Section 2.2 the flow of the data that is shared with the database or the server in the attendance system is shown.2.1. System Hardwarea) Fingerprint module: The GT-511C3 is a fingerprint module which consists of a fingerprint scanner. It is a small embedded module that consists of an optical sensor mounted on a small circuit board. The optical sensor sca ns a fingerprint and the microcontroller and the software provides the modules functionality which automatically processes the scanned finger. The FPS consists of four pins as shown in fig(a). The pins are as follows: Fig. a Fingerprint Module1-UART Transmit (3.3V)2-UART Receive (3.3V)3-GND 4-Vin (5V)b) RASPBEERY PI B3-Fig. b Raspberry Pi b3c) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)-Fig. c LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)2.2. Data flow in the systemThe system consists of two parts i.e. a) the ‘hardware' part and b) the ‘software' part. The hardware includes all the components listed above in the figure including the LED, switches etc. The data flow in the fingerprint management system is shown in fig. d .Fig. d Flow of dataThe Enrolment and Authentication is done using the fingerprint scanner present in the fingerprint module. This fingerprint module is connected to the Raspberry Pi interfacing pins also called as GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins. The fingerprint module works in majorly two modes Master Mode- In this mode every student will be getting registered as a new user and that data will be stored in the ROM present in the fingerprint module with a unique id.User Mode- In this mode we will be verifying the scanned images with the stored images. During this verification if the match is available than the data is further send to the Raspberry Pi and through it is stored in the database.The flow of the project is as shown below:Fig .e Flow of project.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Diabetes essays
Diabetes essays Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the pancreas. When you have Diabetes the pancreas stops making insulin or doesnt make enough. Doctors are not sure, but they think this happens when your body is trying to fight a virus. The insulin-making cells look like a virus, so your body begins to start and fight them. Almost 16,000,000 people in the US have diabetes. There are three types of diabetes. Type 1, or insulin dependent diabetes, occurs when the pancreas no longer produces any or very little insulin. Type 2 occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not use the insulin effectively. Type 3, Gestational, is a temporary condition the occurs during pregnancy. When you eat food, your small intestine takes out sugar, or glucose, and puts it in your blood. The sugar is what give you energy to do their jobs. To get into the cells the sugar need insulin. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. Insulin works like a key to open the cells and let the glucose (sugar) in. Without the insulin the cells would not be fed. People with type 1 diabetes usually become sick faster, while with people with type 2 have a slower onset of symptoms. Some symptoms of diabetes are: Others symptoms might be extreme fatigue (tired), irritability (bad moods), nausea, vomiting, frequent infections, and tingling/numbness in hands and feet. Over the past years research has given scientists new ways to look for cures of diabetes. Doctors can detect diabetes at a earlier stage so it can be treated before it begins to cause serious health problems. One study shows that if you control your blood sugar levels you can stop from having life threatening problems. Testing your blood sugar lets you doctor give you better treatment. Another study working with relatives of people with diabetes of giving them low doses of insulin can help them from getting diabet...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Case Study of the MAXXI National Museum
001.jpg"/ Contemporary Architecture img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.003.jpg"/ This study will concentrate on MAXXI National Museum and it will supply a comprehensive reappraisal of Contemporary museum architecture ( built in Rome in 2009 ) , designed by the Zaha Hadid Architects. As it was said in â€Å"Museums in the 21stCentury†, there is no uncertainty to state that museum architecture seeks it’s development through the periods, divided into pre- and post-Bilbao epochs. Bilbao ‘s edifices are a assortment of architectural manners, runing from Gothic to modern-day architecture like Guggenheim Museum Bilbao ( construct in Spain in 1997 ) which gives the beggary of modern-day Bilbao motion. Rome has no duty to turn itself into a voguish modern metropolis ; its glorification remainders on the accomplishments of antiquity, the Renaissance, and the Baroque. In mid1990’s a new policy in Rome for ’the publicity of modern-day architecture’ has tried to alter the architectural understatement by its metropolis authoritiess, po licy with different facets, positions and cultural activities, with willingness for freshness. The foundation of the Maxi Museum was followed by international design competition uniting all the new chances. Hadid’s proposal is an impressive urban sculpture with dynamic and indefinite exhibition infinite. To build this essay, and turn out that MAXXI museum is an illustration of Modernism assorted beginnings have been researched. Therefore, its consistence includes Architectural construct and urban scheme, infinite V object, Institutional Catalyst and Contemporary Spatiality. The essay was conducted in the signifier of a study, with informations being gathered via books â€Å"Lubetkin A ; Tecton: An architectural study†by Yoshio Malcolm Reading A ; Peter Coe ( 1992 ) , â€Å"Frank O. Gehry: The complete works†by Francesco Dal Co A ; Kurt W. Foster ( 1998 ) , and the undermentioned articles â€Å"MAXXI Museum in Rome by Zaha Hadid Architects wins the RIBA Sta rling Prize 2010†by Levent Ozler, â€Å" Zaha Hadid ‘s MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts†by Zaha Hadid Architects, †Starling Prize 2010 Goes to Zaha Hadid’s MAXXI Museum in Rome†( unknown writer ) . img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.004.jpg"img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.005.jpg"img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.006.jpg"The early architectural modernism was so sudden interruption with tradition. Raise the streamer of artistic simplification and geometrization, advanced substantiate this aesthetic motto, ethical and political. The technique had become progressive character, and the machine – a metaphor.In the history of the foundation of modernism function has Berthold Lubetkin along with Le Coubusier second- coevals well-known modernist. In 1932, Lubetkin formed the Tecton partnership including Gofrey Samuel, Sir Herbert, Michael Dugdale, Valentine Harding and Anthony Chitty. Main old ages of work for Tecton partnership were the period from 1932 till the effusion of the Second universe war, and their work can be categorized in four sect ions: Apartments in north London, the work for Finsbury Borough Council, The menagerie work and house undertakings. One of the picturesque undertakings commissioned to construct after earned repute from the designed Regen’s park ( built in London, 1978 ) and Whipsnade zoo ( built in Whipsnade in 1931 ) was Dudley Zoo. Its location is outside Birmingham, in town called Dudley opened in May 1937.The geometric character of edifice consisted 12 animate being enclosures which despite the different maps of the edifices they formed relationship based on close connexion between them which was an early modernist illustration in England. In another manus on the official page of MAXXI museum Zaha Hadid commented that â€Å"the museum should non be seen as an object, but as a field of buildings†. Another manner to back up the touch of modernism is connected with the concrete walls in Kiosks, smallest edifices in the menagerie. Concrete is material typical for this period, and the same building techniques are used in Maxxi museum. In that manner is proven that Maxxi museum was portion of the Modern motion ( modernism ) . img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.007.jpg"img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.008.jpg"/ img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.009.jpg"Another modernist for this period is half American half Canadian designer Frank Gehry. Among the well-known work of him is ( built in Spain in 1997 ) . The projected was funded and owned by Basque Country Administration, showing good entree for trade concern. The internal organisations of the infinites are distributed in three floors. The cardinal tribunal of the edifice serves as unit point, with unfastened position to the metropolis. Different art galleries fill the infinites with intent to expose impermanent exhibitions, lasting exhibitions and art from populating artist.The stuff for the exterior curving walls of the edifice is limestone and for inside is used plaster. Natural visible radiation is captured via fanlights with the aid of sunglassess control during the twenty-four hours. And as Frank Gehry says for the unconsciously made curved walls â€Å" the entropy of the curves are designed to catch the visible radiation †. With this commendation it is suggested that applied scientists along with the designer used scientific cognition, one of the typical features for modernism. In Maxxi museum the fluid and sinuate forms, the assortment and interweaving of infinites and the modulated usage of natural visible radiation is taking to functional model. By mensurating all these of import facet in order to hold this consequence and allow the visible radiation to come into the edifice they highlight the map. Therefore MAXXI museum it was besides used scientific cognition. img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.010.jpg"/ Once it was said by Frank Lloyd Wright ‘s that the perceptual experience â€Å"form follows function†implies the believes that it is design service to its map. Harmonizing to arcspace.com the chief design thought of Maxi museum it is conected to the usage of the edifice exhibition infinite for ocular humanistic disciplines. Maxi museum walls traversing country and their interfaces define the interior halls of the museum and exterior.Because of the geometric abstraction in Maxxi museum â€Å"Form follows function†, we reach another feature of modernism. Modernism introduces the construct of â€Å" truth to stuffs †which states that the edifice stuffs should be exposed instead than conceal and situated in the appropriate topographic point. An illustration of this is statement is Maxxi museum. With its limited scope of stuffs, such as the walls of open concrete or grey flooring utilizing its defects, it is constructed a sequence. On 2nd floor and 3rd, the touch of daytime can be sense over the glass roof supported by steel prances. They possess a mechanism that helps for the exhibition of pictures and sculptures which are non mounted to the floor. In that why Maxxi museum is modernist edifice. Another designer of the modernism motion was Oscar Niemeyer. After his single development in architecture and a series of undertakings in the metropolis Belo Horizonte, he began to experience passion for egg-shaped forms which links with his fatherland, rivers and even woman’s organic structure form and concrete as a stuff for building. The same stuffs are used in Maxxi museum, another good ground to back up the grounds of Contemporary architecture. Exposed concrete and glass we can see in Peter Behrens edifice called AEG. Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter, who worked chiefly in Germany and France. Kandinsky is expressionist and proclaimed himself for Godhead of the first abstract picture, despite concerns that it dates back to consider with an earlier day of the month. His first plants were abstract water-color. His work in life base on ballss through three phases: feeling of external nature, improvisation and works composings. Wassily works and lived ab initio in Munich and subsequently in Russia, but because the conditions of Russian Communism – the censoring of totalitarian government – was forced to emigrate. First assume learning at the Bauhaus in Germany, after the closing of the school by the Nazis escaped to Paris. In 1933 by the National Kandinsky taught in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin, where he met with Russian constructivism. At that clip, the geometry acquired high quality in his art. Forms which are reminding of micro-organisms, but ever picturing interior life of the Was sily. He used an unordinary colour composings copying Slavic folklore. And mix sand with dyes to leave raggedness colourss. Consequently to theguardian.com it mentions that Maxxi museum has different assortments of colourss, such as: Grey, black, white and broad scope of pick mixtures of the open concrete. Our attending is grabbed, from the ruddy abstract elements from the ceiling, positioned in order to demo the modern-day character of the edifice through colour.Respectively of Wissily Kandinsky colour theory based on abstract elements and signifiers, we have proven our claim. img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.011.jpg"/ img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.012.jpg"/ Modernism is period with extremely advanced technological development.It categorizes the exposure of the construction, that’s why it could be called the period of Structural Expressionism. High-tech architecture creates new ocular thoughts, and the esteem for economical edifice buildings led to hapless fabrication quality. During the 1880ss it was hard to distinguish this technological betterment from post–modern architecture. This is exemplified in the work undertaken by Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, Centre Pompidou. As it was reference in archdaily one of the chief design construct thoughts was the typically structural bring outing for modernism. The edifice was dived with the aid of colour coding.Using this system it could be easy recognized the different constituents or country of the edifice. For illustration electrical mechanism was colored in orange and yellow, constructions and stepss were painted in gray.In maxi museum we have exposure of stairway excessively , which led once more to the idea that Maxi museum is modernist edifice. img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.013.jpg"img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.014.jpg"/ Le Corbusier is a Gallic designer and it was born in Switzerland. He formulated his five rules of modern architecture, in which he remains faithful to the terminal of his life. The first rule is connected with columns – it separates the house from the land through several back uping columns. The 2nd rule is garden – he besides uses gardens on the roof of edifices. The 3rd rule is a little figure of supporting walls. The 4th rule is widely glazing and the last 5th rule is free facade – exterior walls free from their supporting map. And based on those five point rules he adjusted one of his undertakings: Villa Savoye which has large influence over the modernism. With unfastened program and sequence of inclines, he dares the occupants to travel through the infinites invariably. In Maxxi museum the visitant are invited to come in into a series of uninterrupted infinites, instead than the compact volume of an stray edifice. So in both instances we have a incorporate i nfinite. img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.015.jpg"img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.016.jpg"/ img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.017.jpg"img alt="" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/1137939.018.jpg"/ Decision: To sum up, the chief end of the essay was to find and explicate why Maxxi museum is modern-day edifice. Based on several perceptual experiences typical for modernism, it was proven consequently to the construct â€Å"Form follows map †, â€Å" Truth to stuffs †, unhidden constructions and scientific cognition. Maxi is a museum with legion volumes and extension of lines, without centre point, stand foring the circulation of images and thoughts. Building is seen as a 2nd tegument of the metropolis, reacting to the environment, the edifice is seen as artistic s stretching pulling over the fantastic landscape.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Project Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Project Management - Term Paper Example enities, lease deadlines and renewal arrangements, lease and vendor contracts, correspondences for lease arrangements and tenant payment history together with their contacts. The system will therefore automatically detect upcoming vacancies in the apartment block well in advance to facilitate timely reservations and ensure seamless flow of revenue. For a successful implementation of this project, there must be in place human, physical and financial resources. With regards to the required human resource, software developers will be hired on a contractual basis. This is because the core business is property management and therefore software developers’ services will only be necessary until the fully implemented after which a technician’s services will be sought for system maintenance purposes. Room must be availed for the installation of the necessary hardware such as server, computers and other relevant accessories. All these will require financial resources for both the development of software, purchase of hardware and training of staff on the new system. Milestones will be measured through a proper reporting channel to the project manager from all the involved teams. The project will be divided into individual activities with each activity headed by a team leader. All the component activities will follow a strict time and progress reporting guideline. Software development should take a month during which the installation of the required hardware shall be complete. Since these two activities are independent, they can be undertaken simultaneously. Upon completion of these two significant activities, a test run of the system shall be done to verify the compatibility of the soft and hardware. Success of this activity will provide the green light for training of staff on how to use the new system which should last 14 days. During the training period, the new system will run alongside the existing one before a full crossover to the new system. A monitoring and
Thursday, October 31, 2019
'Capitalism is a force of progress for business and society'- Discuss Essay
'Capitalism is a force of progress for business and society'- Discuss - Essay Example Countries like America have ensured that its people make the best out of capitalism, unlike countries that govern their people by using the socialistic system (Murphy, 2007, p.2). There are certain freedoms that capitalism has provided to the people with the help of democratic rights of freedom. They include that as a US citizen one is not bound to one job. If he feels the need to leave it, then he has full rights to do so and no law bounds him from leaving that job (Murphy, 2007, p.3). Along with that, capitalism also provides the opportunity to be self employed by the help of a self-owned business or sell your own goods and services at the price he/she desires. Sometimes, capitalist form of economy and democracy are thought to be considered much adjacent to each other, however in reality it is quite the opposite. The economic growth that the world saw for a quarter of a century may say otherwise after the World War, but after that, the international economy simply deteriorated sinc e then. That quarter of a century of progress made people assume that democracy and capitalism together result in economic growth. But the events later to that growth prove otherwise. The economic meltdown of 2008 itself is a proof for that matter. (Cammack, 1997, p.252) The political rights and school of thoughts determined that in order to make capitalism the primary form of economy, democracy had to be abolished because it gave power to the authority, or in other words power of the weak and poor over the rich. They even warned that capitalist forces may even start a campaign to destroy democratic form of governments to avoid redistribution of the capital. In order to align Democracy and capitalism, it was proposed after the World War that it could only happen if key industries and sectors of the economy were nationalized and a more co-determination by the workers as it happens in Germany. (Cammack, 1997, p.252) Unlike a socialist country, where the state bounds you to a certain s et of jobs and where personal rights are not given at ease. However, capitalism has often been accused of their hypocritical by several critics in a number of ways. One such example of that includes the fact that even though people do have the right to choose their own jobs, nevertheless, it is undeniable that they are always at the mercy of the people who employ them (Murphy, 2007, p.3). When it comes to capitalism and the choice of occupation, the major factor that determines what job a person chooses is the salary (Anderson, 2000, p.24). With capitalism and the inequality that it brings into the economic order, it also creates a remarkable ridge between professions and the earnings that people make from them. For instance, in the United States, a teacher or a doctor earns around $40,000 to $50,000 in a year with most of the expenses going in their mortgages and rents ((Anderson, 2000, p.27). However, on the other hand professional sportsmen earn round $2 million to around $20 mil lion in a whole year, as the interest of several bookies and economic tycoons rely on them, even though they haven’t even graduated from college. The most expenses they have are their agents. Capitalism therefore has induced such in equals in our society where sportsmen are paid much heavily as compared to teachers and doctors. Capitalism is quite difficult to understand at times. This is because on one hand, it gives the people a free market to work in. People
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