Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Organisational Behaviour Essay
I. Presentation An association is regularly characterized as a gathering of individuals who cooperate in a deliberately organized social unit for a common reason. The board alludes to the movement of controlling and sorting out individuals to achieve its objectives. In today’s progressively worldwide and serious condition the compelling administration of individuals is much increasingly critical to the effective execution of the work associations. In this way, the directors need to comprehend the primary effects on how individuals carry on in an association setting. Mullins (2008, p.4) characterized association conduct (OB) as ‘the study and comprehension of individual and gathering conduct, and examples of structure so as to help improve hierarchical execution and effectiveness’. It contains a blend of a wide range of speculations and approaches. Thusly, this article opens by quickly investigate various interrelated restrained to the investigation of authoritative conduct, before looking at the significance of four principle way to deal with the subject in today’s working environment. At last, it examines the reason for associations. II. Interrelated order to the investigation of authoritative conduct The investigation of conduct can be seen as far as three primary controls †brain science, human science and humanities. The commitment of every one of the three controls has assumed a significant job to considering authoritative conduct. Brain research is the science and craft of clarifying mental procedures and conduct. The primary focal point of consideration is on the people and investigates such ideas as recognition, inspiration, observation and perspectives. It is questionable that McKenna thinks about brain research as the key order in examining authoritative conduct. There are five key regions in Psychology that can affect on associations; these are: mental brain science, psychological brain research, improvement brain research, social brain science and character brain science. Mental perspectives are valuable to the functional applications, for example, work investigation, talking with models or determination, however it give too restricted view to comprehension of hierarchical conduct which ‘is not worry with the unpredictable detail of individual contrasts yet with the conduct and the executives individuals of people’ (Mullins, 2008, p. 7). Watson (2008) characterized humanism is more worry with the investigation of social conduct, connections among social gatherings and social orders. It centers around bunch elements, strife, work groups, force, correspondence and intergroup conduct. It is conceivable that Watson believed human science to be the key control in examining associations however he likewise puts accentuation on financial matters. The structuration mirrors the double impact that people make society and society makes people. Watson (2008, p. 30) presents six strands of thought applied to his system for investigation. He further presents six considerable territories applied to the six strands of however in a grid which are work, society and change; work associations; the changing association and the administration of work, occupations and society; work encounters, chances of implications; and strife challenge and obstruction in work. This control is important to the association. It assists chiefs with perceiving the connections between enormous scope social powers and the activities of person. Be that as it may, Mullins (2008, p. 7) contends that the investigation of hierarchical conduct can't be concentrated totally in single control. Albeit each order has a significant commitment, it just supports the investigation of subject. For sure, Mullins combines interrelated orders which are brain research with human science, human sciences that investigate culture and conduct factors; financial matters that endeavors to give a sane informative system to individual and hierarchical action; and political theory that is investigation of intensity and control among individual and gatherings; in his structure for examination of authoritative conduct. III. Four primary methodologies In Mullins’ system, the investigation of hierarchical conduct is worried about the conduct in seclusion, however with communication among the structure and activity of associations, the procedure of the executives and conduct of individuals that are influenced by outside condition. He applies various ways to deal with association: 1. Classicalâ 2. Human Relations 3. Frameworks 4. Possibility 1. Traditional Approach The traditional journalists thought about association as far as reason and formal structure with thoughtfulness regarding progressive system of the executives and specialized prerequisites of association. Frederick Taylor with the Scientific Management had a significant commitment to the Classical Approach. Taylor’s hypothesis depended on the mental control that is worried about the investigation of individuals’ conduct. He accepted that people carry on reasonably toward money related motivation. Specialist would be propelled by most elevated potential wages by doing most elevated evaluation of work. Moreover, his primary target is to discover progressively productive strategies and techniques for the assignment plan and control of work. Joined with preparing laborers, it was consistently conceivable to locate the one most ideal approach to play out each undertaking. It was reprimanded that since laborers inactively do rehashed task and paid by result, the less human methodology can cause a decrease in specialist assurance just as in expertise prerequisites, diminishing flexibility.Nevertheless,massive productioncompanies stilladopt somewhat Taylor’s hypothesis so as to keep up or increment efficiency. For instance, Mc Donald utilizes the installment strategy for Taylor’s hypothesis to propel and support the laborers. The human who work in drive-through eatery are prepared to do a set number of assignments in exactly. 2. Human Relations Approach Human Relations is an administrative methodology dependent on the thought of and the regard for the social elements at work and the conduct of representatives. Consideration is paid to the casual association and the fulfillment of individual’s needs through gatherings at work. Elton Mayo (1880-1949) led Hawthorne tests on associations to get to profitability. He moved away from logical convictions on cash and order towards significance of gathering having a place (social examination). The tests inspected impact of gathering piecework pay framework on profitability. The outcome is that laborers didn't really try to boost creation so as to get upgraded rewards however social weight made them produce at bunch standard level. Then again, the examination was initially proposed to inspect impacts of lighting on profitability. As a result, efficiency expanded paying little heed to lighting level was expected to workers’ getting consideration. The Hawthorne impact embraced in Human connection approach recommended that great oversight and condition increment fulfillment and different factors influence this, for example, structure, authority, and culture. In contrast to the traditional idea with thought of improving profitability, human connection approach ‘strove for a more noteworthy comprehension of people’s mental and social needs grinding away just as improving the procedure of the board. Be that as it may, Mullins (2008, p. 29) censured human relations as a ‘unitary casing of reference’ and distorted hypotheses. Indeed, even today the Hawthorne explore is as yet valuable for portraying the adjustments in conduct of people and gatherings, and made the way for additional tes ts by other sub-division of approach known as neo human connection. 3. Frameworks Approach The framework way to deal with the investigation of associations joins the differentiating position of the traditional methodology, which stressed the specialized necessities of association and its needs †‘organization without people’, and human relations approach, which accentuated the human achievements and social angles †‘people without organization’. This methodology motivates chiefs to see association as an open framework interfacing with condition and to see all out work yet not the entirety of independent parts. In Figure 2.5 (Boddy, 2008, p.60), the framework comprises of various interrelated subsystems, for example, individuals, force, innovation or business forms framework; which include unpredictability and communicate with one another and outside condition. It is expressed that any piece of an organization’s movement influences every single other part in light of the fact that there are territories cover between different subsyst ems. Hence, it is the errand of the executives to coordinate these interrelated subsystems and direct endeavors of individuals towards the accomplishment of hierarchical objectives. The framework approach, which is segments of interrelated subsystems, gives investigation of authoritative execution and adequacy while the socio-specialized methodology takesorganization as saw by the individual individuals and their translation of the work circumstance. In time of expanding globalization, innovative change has affected on the conduct of individuals and different parts, consequently the entire framework. It is important for chief to deal with the complete work and arrange the specialized change and the requirements of people. 4. Possibility Approach As indicated by Mullins (2008, p. 31), the possibility approach dismisses the possibility of ‘one best structure or structure’ or ‘optimum state’ for associations. The associations should be adaptable to adapt to change and directors need to change structure and procedures required. This methodology impacted numerous administration practices, for example, statistical surveying, PR or vital arranging, which stress reaction to outside conditions. Besides, it underscored that the training relies upon individuals deciphering occasions and supervisors have the option to have abstract decisions as much as judicious investigation. The possibility approach is pertinent to the executives and authoritative conduct. It gives a setting where to see enormous number of factors that influen
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Lightning Thief and References to Greek Mythology
'The Lightning Thief' and References to Greek Mythology Rick Riordans The Lightning Thief (the primary volume of Riordans Percy Jackson and the Olympians arrangement) specifies numerous names natural from Greek folklore. Here youll find additional data on the unequivocal legendary references and some increasingly unpretentious fanciful suggestions. The request for the rundown underneath endeavors to follow the succession of notices in the book just as Riordans different references to Greek folklore. The Book Series The Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series comprise of five books by writer Rick Riordan. The primary book, The Lightning Thief, centers around Percy Jackson, who is going to get kicked out of life experience school for the subsequent time. Legendary beasts and divine beings are after him and he just has ten days to redress what they need from him. In the subsequent book, The Sea of Monsters, Percy discovers inconvenience at Camp Half-Blood where fanciful beasts are back. So as to spare the camp and shield it from being demolished, Percy needs to accumulate his friends.â The third book, The Titans Curse, has Percy and his companions hoping to perceive what befell the goddess Artemis, who disappeared and is accepted to have been kidnapped. They need to settle the secret and spare Artemis before the winter solstice. In the fourth book, The Battle of the Labyrinth, the war between the Olympians and Titan master Kronos develops more grounded as Camp Half-Blood turns out to be progressively powerless. Percy and his companions need to go on a mission in this experience. In the fifth and last portion of the arrangement, The Last Olympianâ focuses on the half-bloods planning for the war against the Titans. Realizing it is a daunting task, the rush is solid to see who will rule all the more impressive. About the Author Rick Riordan is generally known for the Percy Jackson and the Olympians arrangement yet has additionally composed the Kane Chronicles and the Heroes of Olympus. He is a #1 New York Times smash hit creator and has won various honors for the riddle arrangement for grown-ups known as Tres Navarre. Fanciful References KronosTitansZeus/JupiterTitanomachyFatesHadesMinotaurHerculesChironPegasusHeraApolloNymphsDionysusAphrodite/VenusPrometheusCentaurUnderworldHermesAresOracleNaiadsAthenaDemeterPoseidonLaurelHephaestusArtemisCerberusNemesisCyclopsTrojan WarCirceHydraPythonMaiaJasonMt. EtnaIliadGolden AgeGorgonsPanShower of GoldNemean LionZephyrChimeraIrisCupidArachneArachneAresArtemisAphrodite/VenusApolloAsphodel FieldsAthenaCentaurCerberusCharonChimeraChironCirceCupidCyclopsDemeterDionysusElysian FieldsEtnaFatesGolden AgeGorgonsHeraHadesHarpiesHeraHephaestusHerculesHermesHydraIliadIrisJasonJupiter/ZeusKronosLaurelLotusOracleMaiaMinotaur9 MusesMt. EtnaNaiadsNemean LionNemesisNereidNymphsPanPegasusPersephonePoseidonPrometheusPythonShower of GoldSisyphusTitanomachyTitansTrojan WarUnderworldUnderworld Judges - MinosVenus/AphroditeZephyrZeus/JupiterLotusNereidCharonAsphodel FieldsElysian FieldsDemeter9 MusesHarpiesAndromedaAntaeusBulls of ColchisCadmusCalypsoDryadsEurytionGanymedeGeryonGraeaeJanusLaistrygo nians Mt. OthrysPeleusPolyphemus
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Agile Methodologies
Agile Methodologies A Lightweight Agile Software Development Methodology Home›Technology Posts›A Lightweight Agile Software Development Methodology Technology PostsIntroduction The software development methods are usually perceived to be composed of various practices set for software development whose creation is attributed to practitioners who are experienced. In these methods, there is a clear prove of their break from the traditional methods in which the emphasis has been an approach based on rationalized engineering (Qumer Henderson, 2006) based on which the problems are claimed to be specifiable on full basis. This article provides a comprehensive methodology of agile software development through an approach which comprehensively handles various stages. The first stage offers a comprehensive overview of the introduction to the SDLC. The second section provides the agile software development methodology followed with the Scrum methodology.SDLCSoftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is basically a systems development structured approach whose onset is the system developing planning phase right through the system support once there is implementation and the system is functional. This process involves various steps together with tasks that can be followed by the system developers in ensuring that the system is built in a faster rate through utilizing minimal costs together with ensuring that the chances of risks are minimized as much as possible. The steps that are involved in the System Development Lifecycle are summarized below:Preliminary investigation: This is the project investigation initial step with the objective which is usually geared towards identification of the system that is required, what is to be included as the broad scope, the time, the costs together with other resources that are required. After the collection of information which is broad and tentative, there is the decision making which determines whether the system development process is going to procee d or not.Feasibility study: This step is highlighted as critical with an aim of ensuring that the organization will be benefited by the computer system. This stage usually involves the investigation of the economic, social and technical feasibility by the technical team which is followed by preparation of a report of feasibility study. In this report, there is a recommendation to the management on whether or not to undertake the project. Therefore this feasibility study acts as a basis through which the way forward is determined coupled with providing information that is sufficient through which the decision is to be qualified.The design of the system: This stage is actually aimed at development of the whole architectural process high level design, which is inclusive of the software, hardware, procedures as well as the interfaces. This step will require sufficiency in the details degree in order to ensure that the management is able to make a decision on whether the requirements of the user are to be met and if this requirement s of the user is to be met, it is also at this step where the evaluation will be done to establish if the process is in accordance with the plan and strategies of the company. The various techniques and tools that can be used and which ensure high design level are; project planning and scheduling, high level flowcharts software together with the high level diagrams of data flow.Detailed design: This is the stage which involves drawing the details for the software. This will involve producing each detail of the procedure of the software, together with the controls and the databases. This stage will have various outcomes which will include; flowcharts of the software that are detailed, data flow diagrams that are detailed, relationship diagram of the entity for the design of the database and pseudocode that are structured, report and screen design together with a document containing detailed specification of the program.Development: This phase is actually marked as the most intensive in the project and it is at this stage that a maximum number of people are involved directly with the project. This is the step which involves writing and testing of the programs, together with the documentation of the procedures and preparation of a system document. This phase may also involve commencement of the user personnel training.Implementation: This is what is also commonly referred to as the phase of deployment or installation phase. This phase involve installation and deployment of the system that has been newly built. This step can involve use of various techniques to ensure that the system that is existing (may be a manual or computerized system) is replaced and transformed into a databases of a new system. This is followed by conducting of final test on the system to ensure that the higher management and the users are satisfied.Maintenance: At this phase, the users use the system in the organization. The commencement of th is step is implemented after the system deployment has been completed until the retirement of the system. After the system has been deployed, it is usually used on continuous basis until the management makes the decision of retiring the solution. This can be after several years. The reason for this phase being referred to as maintenance is because it is during this phase that is characterized by frequent changes in the requirements of the users and the policies of the company together with the system having to be introduced to these changes. At times, there may be a few problems or bugs in the system which may be discovered and raise the need for fixation, together with sometimes new procedures and technologies having to be introduced.The review of the post implementation is where the maintenance usually starts; a phase during which the system performance audit is usually done, and as soon as there has been deployment, there is implementation of the audit. The main purpose of this s tep is actually to ensure that the system standards are in accordance with all the requirements coupled with meeting the user’s expectations. The problems are usually fixed as soon as their discovery. After the review of the post implementation, what follows is the commencement of the use of the software. This is usually characterized by regular IT audit which will be carried out during the useful life of the system in order to make an evaluation of its performance. This is what is commonly referred to as the system monitoring. In case of any requirement of this system use at any time during the lifetime of the system, this will call for the repetition of the SDLC cycle.During the application system SDLC, there are various risks which are likely to be experienced. These risks are inclusive of the adoption of application system in the SDLC that are not appropriate, control that is not adequate to the process of the SDLC, the possibility of the application system not being able to m eet the objectives and requirements of the user, the problem of management support, project management that is not adequate, architecture and technology incorporation that is not appropriate, variation in the scope, overruns in costs and time, application system with quality that is not adequate, lack of sufficient attention to the controls and security, failure to meet the criteria of performance, together with lack of adequate adherence to the SDLC that is chosen. Other risks that may arise during the SDLC are failure to fully focus on the other processes and applications interdependencies together with lack of sufficient planning for the cutover and conversion of the data.During the feasibility study, there are various participants that are usually involved. These will be inclusive of the team to conduct the feasibility study, the steering committee, the programmer, the engineers to be involved with quality assurance, the support staff and auditors in the IT.AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELO PMENT METHODOLOGY In the agile development methodology, iterations are usually embraced. This will be enhanced by small teams working together with the stakeholders in the process of defining the concepts proof, quick prototypes or other visual methods through which the problem to be solved is going to be described. The requirements for the iterations are defined by the team coupled with the development of the code together with definition and running the tests scripts that are integrated. This is followed by the verification of the results by the users. Briefly, this is what this methodology revolves about. Earlier in the process of development, there is verification which ensures that the requirements are fine-tuned by the stakeholders at the stage at which they can still be easily changed.The simple set of rules and practices are incorporated through which transparency, adaptation and inspection is encompassed in the Scrum, with these requirements being inherent in the control em pirical process. In project management, this process is iterative incremental which is used in software development involving inspection and adaptation on frequent basis, following the methodology of Agile software development. Through the leadership philosophy in Agile software development, teamwork is encouraged together with accountability and self-organization; the best practices on the engineers set through which high quality software rapid delivery is allowed together with being a business approach through which the development is aligned with the needs of the customer and goals of the company.Adopting the agile process requires the development team being with the soft skills, which are also referred to as the people- skills. More values are usually placed on the talented individuals’ interaction over the tools and process. The proscriptive methodology key themes are the tools and the process. In the agile methods, the team members are required to poses communication skills that are appropriate in order to enable there to be collaboration in a situation of the team and the customers together with having talent and friendly approach through which it can be possible to relate well with others (Cockburn Highsmith, 2001). The traits of the agile team member are listed by Pressman (2004) to be inclusive of; common focus, competence, ability of decision making, collaboration, respect and mutual trust together with the ability of solving fuzzy problems. This provides an important move away from the skills that are technical using the prescriptive methodology for any team member.Two agile software methodologies are used. The methodologies are based on the philosophy of agile and are Scrum and XP. Based on the particulars, these methods usually differ, but however, the iterative approach that has been highlighted above is usually shared.XPThe term XP is usually used to denote Extreme Programming. The concentration of the XP is based on the development and not on the software projects managerial aspect. The commencement of the XP project is usually marked by the planning phase release, which is usually followed by various iterations; with each of the iterations concluding with the testing of the user acceptance. Once there are enough features in the product through which the users can be satisfied, the iteration is terminated by the team followed afterwards by the software release.The user stories are usually written to the users with an aim of describing the need that is going to be fulfilled by the software (Henrik, 2007). Through the user stories, it is possible for the team to make an estimation of the resources and time that is required to enhance building and definition of the user acceptance tests. Actually, the representative or the user is usually marked as part of the team of XP, therefore giving them the ability to add the details to the requirement in the process of building the software. Through this process, it is possible f or the evolution of the requirements based on the fact that the developers and the users are able to make a clear definition of the look of the product.In order for the release plan to be created, the development tasks are broken by the team into iterations. The iteration plan is defined by the release plan, through which the development is driven for iteration. At the iteration end, the acceptance tests are performed by the users against the user stories. In case the bugs are found, the nest iteration incorporates the bugs as a step. Theoretically, the iterative testing of the user acceptance can result in the software release. In case of the decision by the user that there has been delivery of enough stories, a choice can be made by the team to have the project terminated before the implementation of the entire user stories that were planned originally.The simplified XP version is shown in the figure below. In full XP’s many plans are included in the release planning, acceptance testing and iteration.There are various XP rules and concepts that are usually market as important in this methodology. At least once every day, the changes must be integrated in the development base line by the development teams. This results to what is usually referred to as the concept of continuous integration. There is also the concept of project velocity which offers measurement of the progress of the work in the project. Through metric which is marked as important, the updates scheduling is enhanced together with driving the release planning. Another concept is that of pair programming based on which, it is clearly highlighted that the release of the production is created by two people whose work is based on one computer. The proposition of the XP is that through the working together of two coders, it will be possible to enhance satisfaction of the user stories at a rate that is similar to individual working by two coders, together with guaranteeing quality that is much high er.In the XP methodology, the user story enhances description of the problems which the system being built will be able to solve. The writing of these stories must be done by the user and the length should be about three sentences. The solution is usually not described in the user story but technical language is usually used.ScrumThe origin of the Scrum software development is traced out of the rapid community of prototyping based on the fact that there was need for a methodology through which there would be support to the environment not only characterized with inadequacy but also being exposed to rapid changes during the development (Schwaber, 2004). In the scrum methodology, there are both the development and management processes.Scrum management: At each of the Scrum project center, there is a work backlog which requires to be done. During the release phase of planning, there is characterization of the backlog as being populated coupled with defining the release scope. After the completion of the high level design and project scope by the team, the development process is divided into sprints; which are short iteration series. With each of the sprints, the aim is implementation of blog items which are fixed in number. There is identification of the backlog items by the team members before each sprint. At each sprint end, there is review of the sprint with an aim of articulating the lessons that are learned together with checking the progress.During the sprint, there is a daily meeting by the team which is referred to as the scrum. The work that is to be done that day is described by each of the team members, the previous day progress together with any blocks that may require clearing. In order for the meeting to be kept short, conducting of the scrum must be when everyone is in the room. Once there has been implementation of enough backlogs to an extent that there is conviction in the team that there is justification of the release being put into production , the development is closed by the management. Integration testing is performed by the team, followed by documentation together with the training which is required for the release of the product.Scrum development: In the process of Scrum development, the concentration will actually be on the sprints management. Before the commencement of each sprint, there is planning by the team, coupled with identification of the backlog items and teams assignment to these items. Each of the backlog items is developed, wrapped, reviewed together with being adjusted by the teams.During the development, the changes that are necessary are determined by the team to ensure that the backlog item is implemented. This is followed by writing the code, testing it and documenting the changes. The review is characterized by the team demonstrating the new features, assessing the risk and adding new backlog items, the data is finally consolidated by the team from the review in order for the changes that are nec essary to be updated.Following each sprint, the progress is demonstrated by the entire team from the spring followed by reviewing the progress of the backlog. The remaining backlog is then reviewed by the team followed by the adding, removing and reprioritizing the necessary items in order for new information to be accounted for.The scrum methodology incorporates various concepts. One of such concepts is the burndown chart. The updating of this chart is done on daily basis and through this updating; it is possible to show the work that remains within the sprint. The burndown chart enhances tracking of the progress of the sprint together with deciding when the removal of the items from the sprint backlog will be necessary and next sprint deferring. There is also the product backlog which provides the requirements complete list; which is inclusive of the enhancement requests, the bugs and the performance improvements that the product release does not currently contain. In addition the re is the ScrumMaster who is the person that has the responsibility of managing the project of Scrum. The ScrumMaster sometimes refers to the certified person, enhanced through training in order to take the ScrumMaster. This process also involves the sprint backlog which contains the items list which is allocated to the sprint although it is not yet complete. The common practice does not provide for a sprint item taking two days before completion. Through the sprint backlog, the team is able to make a prediction of the level of effort that is needed for the completion of the Splint.The agile software development has the positive and the negative sides. Through the agile process, the unpredictable world challenge is addressed through a reliance on the creativity instead of the process. As Erickson et al (2005) note, the agile software development is geared at change and feedback and the development of the methodology is aimed at embracing rather than rejecting the rate of change whic h is higher. Leanness and flexibility is what Conboy and Fitzgerald (2004) uses in the description of the agile development methodology. This methodology is also noted by Conboy and Fitzgerald (2004) as enhancing high quality development of software by the small teams through the use of constant enhancement and testing principle on the basis of change and rapid feedback. Sighting the agile software development as having some negative sides, Schwaber (1995) insists on the need for conductive improvement within the team. Schwaber (1995) adds that although an adaptation of iterative process is suggested by many methodologies, there is lack of clear and specific procedure through which such activities can be conducted. Other shortcomings that have been identified are lack of effective involvement of the customer and difference in the personality among the individuals resulting in barriers in formation of a team that is effective. In addition, it is difficult to prioritize on the require ments for the systems that are large and which have many stakeholders (Sommerville, 2004).SCRUM METHODOLOGYThe onset of the Scrum process is marked with the creation of the product backlog. The backlog is usually a system requirement expressed as a product backlog items prioritized list. The software development team is then handed over the prioritized list in order for them to develop the time line for the product development which is actually negotiable. After the approval of the product backlog by both the client and the developers, the next step marks the onset to the process creating the Sprint Backlog.Basically, a sprint is work iteration, with a period which is usually 15 days, and during this period, there is implementation of the product functionality increment. The work for the Sprint is usually defined by the sprint backlog where there is the movement of the backlog items into the spring from the product backlog; based on the priorities of the owner. At the onset of the s print, there is a one day meeting for sprint planning. This is followed by a sprint review meeting at the end of the sprint, after which the retrogressive meeting follows.The next stage involves the sprint planning meeting which triggers negotiation between the owner of the product and the team about what is going to be done by the team in the next sprint. After every fifteen days, the release of the intermediate product gives the clients and team a product development perspective. The release usually provides a transition of a possibly shippable product increase, from the teams that are involved with the development to the customers for routine use. The release is typically done when the product has resulted from the sprints with enough value through which the deployment costs can be outweighed.Conclusion From the argument approach that is developed in this paper, it is clear that the tailoring of a scrum is usually done to a specific environment, therefore it may not be easy to ar gue over the practice that can be perceived as the best. The approaches used will always differ. This article has provided an evaluation to the methodology of agile software development. It has also highlighted the various pros and cons of agile software development which needs to be addressed. In light to these cons, there is need for the agile teams to be equipped with appropriate information level which can help them in making decisions that are rational and informed to enhance optimal business value development. In addition, there is need to ensure that refining and updating is done on the guiding vision model in accordance with the requirements.Scrum has been highlighted as an incremental framework that is iterative, for the product development of application. The sprints are the work cycles which the development is structured into, with these iterations being highlighted to be not more than a month old each, and occurrences being on their own pause. This article is proving tha t agile is the latest approach which has replaced the previous waterfall approach and in the future, it will also evolve and change.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Analysis Of Montag s The Lilies - 5496 Words
Montag tries to enlighten his wife to society’s intellectual apathy; however, she is unable to come to a similar realization. Montag is forced to seek help from a retired English professor named Faber. This marks the onset of the third phase. Montag starts to take command of his own destiny. His former lifestyle is now left behind and he recognizes the significance of his relationship with Faber because they are the only ones fighting against society. While on his way to visit Faber, Bradbury uses two biblical allusions that signify the importance of having a philosophical faith. Montag stresses to himself that he must â€Å"consider the Lilies†(Bradbury 74). This reference to the Lilies of the Field correlates with a bible passage (Mathew 6:28) and suggests that God will take care of everything and that one must not worry. Montag excessively recites this bible passage in his head while on the train going to visit Faber. He uses the passage to calm his nerves a nd remind himself that everything will work out and to have faith in himself and Faber. Another bible reference, to the Book of Job, comes after the meeting between Faber and Montag. Through the Green bullet in Montag’s ear that allows Faber to communicate with him, Faber simply says â€Å"The Book of Job,†reminding Montag that he must have faith because the journey ahead will be arduous and self sacrificing. Montag is reborn and becomes a new person while reviving Faber, causing him to feel more alive than he hasShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of Fahrenheit 4511266 Words  | 6 PagesTo begin, in Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury incorporated: a censorship aspect intended for the book, social commentary, and the social critical analysis which relates to conflicts in our world today. To continue, censorship can be considered a â€Å"threat†to society, for example, Bradbury uses the concept of the overuse of media and how it can affect the world and the peop le around you. Furthermore, Bradbury’s key focus was to satirize the excessive use of television and the media as a news and entertainment
Sunday, May 10, 2020
What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Tcnj Application Essay Topics
What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Tcnj Application Essay Topics If you're authentic, nobody can write the identical essay as you! Another visit sealed the offer. You have the chance to go to a foreign country for two weeks. Organize after-school help with an internet sign up. Don't forget, at times it's faster to edit the whole text than to devote several hours on each and every sentence. Your own personal statement needs to be limited to four double-spaced pages. Topics like death and divorce are cautionary since they can be exceedingly tricky to write about. To begin with, attempt to write four or five paragraphs. Type of Tcnj Application Essay Topics Subsequent admission for a matriculant isn't guaranteed. If you fulfill their requirements, you're almost sure to obtain an offer of admission. Applicants will initially click Create an account to commence the pre-college application procedure and finish the necessary information. These applicants won't be asked to submit SAT or ACT scores. Secondly, this issue of your admission essay is dependent on a university. Essays are an essential component in the college application procedure. In this instance, your essay can even turn into a template for different students. An application essay is among the most crucial components in the university application approach. Applicants will be sent a PIN to prepare an account to begin the application. Students might also be in a position to undertake paid employment as a way of bachelo their stay in Germany. They may only apply to one NYU program at a time. Prospective students are encouraged to benefit from campus tours, offered many times per week throughout the year. You may want to include an extra essay if you think that the college application forms do not offer sufficient chance to convey important information regarding yourself or your accomplishments. You should submit only 1 application. Furthermore, you should do well to get a strong application. Complete the on-line application carefully as it can't be changed after it's been submitted. Students don't need to write about a significant turning point in their essay, Soule states. Quite often students feel their topic needs to be something earth shattering and monumental, but this truly is not true. In the event of factory noise from it would be an issue. Two new essay options are added, and a number of the previous questions are revised. For this question, don't be scared to think beyond the box. The essay is where to enable the admissions office of your intended college get to understand your personality, character, and the talents and abilities that aren't on your transcript. Receiving credit for what's original in one's work is a compelling reason behind acknowledging sources, but it's not the just one. Students are liable for indicating the degree of their indebtedness to a source. Unfortunately, stumbling in the TMI zone of essay topics is more prevalent than you believe. Please do not pick a particular topic just because you think we wish to read about doing it. This essay topic is a good chance for humor. Share an essay on any subject of your pick.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Spirit Bound Chapter Sixteen Free Essays
I DIDN’T HAVE A PRECISE count of how many Strigoi were with Dimitri’s group. So much of what I’d seen through Lissa had been blurred with confusion and terror. The guardians, knowing we were expected, had simply had to make a best guess about how many to send. We will write a custom essay sample on Spirit Bound Chapter Sixteen or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hans had hoped overwhelming force would make up for us losing the element of surprise. He’d dispatched as many guardians as he could reasonably clear from the Court. Admittedly, the Court was protected by wards, but it still couldn’t be left entirely undefended. Having the new grads there had helped. Most of them had been left behind, allowing the seasoned guardians to go on our hunting party. That left us with forty or so. It was as unusual as large groups of Strigoi banding together. Guardians were usually sent out in pairs, maybe groups of three at most, with Moroi families. This large of a force had the potential to bring about a battle rivaling that of the Academy attack. Knowing that sneaking through the dark wouldn’t work, Hans stopped our convoy a little ways from the warehouse the Strigoi were holed up at. The building was situated on a service road cutting off from the highway. It was an industrial area, hardly a deserted path in the woods, but all the businesses and factories were shut down this late at night. I stepped out of the SUV, letting the warm evening wrap around me. It was humid, and the moisture in the air felt especially oppressive when I was already smothered with fear. Standing beside the road, I felt no nausea. Dimitri hadn’t posted Strigoi this far, which meant our arrival was still–kind of–a surprise. Hans walked over to me, and I gave him the best estimate I could on the situation, based on my limited information. â€Å"But you can find Vasilisa?†he asked. I nodded. â€Å"As soon as I’m in the building, the bond will lead me straight to her.†He turned, staring off into the night as cars sped by on the nearby highway. â€Å"If they’re already waiting outside, they’ll smell and hear us long before we see them.†Passing headlights briefly illuminated his face, which was lined in thought. â€Å"You said there are three layers of Strigoi?†â€Å"As far as I could tell. There are some on Lissa and Christian, then some outside.†I paused, trying to think what Dimitri would do in this situation. Surely I knew him well enough, even as a Strigoi, to calculate his strategy. â€Å"Then another layer inside the building–before you get to the storage room.†I didn’t know this for certain, but I didn’t tell Hans. The assumption was made on my own instincts, drawn from what I would do and what I thought Dimitri would do. I figured it would be best if Hans planned for three waves of Strigoi. And that’s exactly what he did. â€Å"Then we go in with three groups. You’ll lead the group going in for the extraction. Another team will accompany yours and eventually split off. They’ll fight whoever’s right inside, letting your group head for the captives.†It sounded so†¦ militaristic. Extraction. Captives. And me†¦ a team leader. It made sense with the bond, but always in the past, they’d simply used my knowledge and left me on the sidelines. Welcome to being a guardian, Rose. At school, we’d conducted all sorts of exercises, running as many different Strigoi scenarios as our instructors could dream up. Yet, as I stared up at the warehouse, all of those drills seemed like playacting, a game that could in no way measure up to what I was about to face. For half a second, the responsibility of it all seemed daunting, but I quickly shoved aside such concerns. This was what I had been trained to do, what I had been born to do. My own fears didn’t matter. They come first. Time to prove it. â€Å"What are we going to do since we can’t sneak up on them?†I asked. Hans had a point about the Strigoi detecting us in advance. An almost mischievous smile flickered on his face, and he explained his plan to the group while also dividing us into our teams. His approach tactic was bold and reckless. My kind of plan. And like that, we were off. An outsider analyzing us might have said we were on a suicide mission. Maybe we were. It honestly didn’t matter. The guardians wouldn’t abandon the last Dragomir. And I wouldn’t have abandoned Lissa even if there were a million Dragomirs. So, with sneaking having been ruled out, Hans opted for a full-on attack. Our group loaded back into the eight SUVs and tore off down the street at illegal speeds. We took up the entire width of the road, gambling on no oncoming traffic. Two SUVs led the charge side by side, then two rows of three. We shot to the end of the road, came to a halt with screeching tires at the front of the warehouse, and spilled out of our cars. If slow stealth wasn’t an option, we’d gain surprise by going fast and furious. Some of the Strigoi were indeed surprised. Clearly, they’d seen our approach, but it had happened so fast that they’d had only a little time to react. Of course, when you were as fast and deadly as Strigoi, a little time was all you needed. A group of them surged at us, and Hans’s â€Å"outside team†charged back, those guardians putting themselves between my group and the other going inside. The Moroi fire users had been assigned to the outside group, for fear of setting the building on fire if they went inside. My team moved around the battle, inevitably running into a few Strigoi who hadn’t fallen to the first team’s distraction. With well-practiced determination, I ignored the nausea sweeping through me from being this close to Strigoi. Hans had strictly ordered me not to stop unless any Strigoi were directly in my path, and he and another guardian were beside me to cover any threats that might come at me. He wanted nothing to delay me from leading them to Lissa and Christian. We fought our way into the warehouse, entering a dingy hall blocked by Strigoi. I’d been right in my guess that Dimitri would have layers of security. A bottleneck formed in the small space, and for a few moments things were chaotic. Lissa was so close. It was like she was calling to me, and I burned with impatience as I waited for the hall to clear. My team was in the back, letting the other group do the fighting. I saw Strigoi and guardians alike fall and tried not to let it distract me. Fight now, grieve later. Lissa and Christian. I had to focus on them. â€Å"There,†said Hans, tugging my arm. A gap had formed ahead of us. There were still plenty of Strigoi, but they were distracted enough that my companions and I slipped through. We took off down the hall, which opened into a large empty space that made up the warehouse’s heart. A few pieces of trash and debris were all that was left of the goods once stored here. Doors led off of the room, but now I didn’t need the bond to tell me where Lissa was. Three Strigoi stood guard outside a doorway. So. Four layers of security. Dimitri had one-upped me. It didn’t matter. My group had ten people. The Strigoi snarled, bracing in anticipation as we charged them. Through an unspoken signal, half of my group engaged them. The rest of us busted down the door. Despite my intense focus on reaching Lissa and Christian, one tiny thought had always been dancing in the back of my brain. Dimitri. I hadn’t seen Dimitri in any of the Strigoi we’d encountered. With my full attention on our attackers, I hadn’t slipped into Lissa’s head to verify the situation, but I felt totally confident that he was still inside the room. He would have stayed with her, knowing I would come. He would be waiting to face me. One of them dies tonight. Lissa or Dimitri. Having reached our goal, I no longer needed extra protection. Hans pulled out his stake on the first Strigoi he encountered, pushing past me and jumping into the fray. The rest of my group did likewise. We poured into the room, and if I thought there’d been chaos earlier, it was nothing compared to what we faced. All of us–guardians and Strigoi–just barely fit inside the room, which meant we were fighting in very, very close quarters. A female Strigoi–the one Dimitri had slapped earlier–came at me. I fought on autopilot, barely aware of my stake piercing her heart. In this room, full of shouting and death and colliding, there were only three people in the world that mattered to me now: Lissa, Christian, and Dimitri. I’d found him at last. Dimitri was with my two friends against the far wall. No one was fighting him. He stood with arms crossed, a king surveying his kingdom as his soldiers battled the enemy. His eyes fell on me, his expression amused and expectant. This was where it would end. We both knew it. I shoved my way through the crowd, dodging Strigoi. My colleagues pushed into the fray beside me, dispatching whom-ever stood in my way. I left them to their fight, moving toward my objective. All of this, everything happening, had led to this moment: the final showdown between Dimitri and me. â€Å"You’re beautiful in battle,†said Dimitri. His cold voice carried to me clearly, even above the roar of combat. â€Å"Like an avenging angel come to deliver the justice of heaven.†â€Å"Funny,†I said, shifting my hold on the stake. â€Å"That is kind of why I’m here.†â€Å"Angels fall, Rose.†I’d almost reached him. Through the bond, I felt a brief surge of pain from Lissa. A burning. No one was harming her yet, but when I saw her arms move out of the corner of my eye, I realized what had happened. Christian had done what she’d asked: He’d burned her ropes. I saw her move to untie him in return, and then my attention shifted back to Dimitri. If Lissa and Christian were free, then so much the better. It would make their escape easier, once we cleared out the Strigoi. If we cleared out the Strigoi. â€Å"You’ve gone to a lot of trouble to get me here,†I told Dimitri. â€Å"A lot of people are going to die–yours and mine.†He shrugged, unconcerned. I was almost there. In front of me, a guardian battled a bald Strigoi. That lack of hair was not attractive with his chalk white skin. I moved around them. â€Å"It doesn’t matter,†said Dimitri. He tensed as I approached. â€Å"None of them matter. If they die, then they obviously aren’t worthy.†â€Å"Prey and predator,†I murmured, recalling what he’d said to me while holding me prisoner. I’d reached him. No one stood between us now. This was different from our past fights, where we’d had lots of room to size each other up and plan our attacks. We were still crammed into the room, and in keeping our distance from the others, we’d closed the gap between us. That was a disadvantage for me. Strigoi outmatched guardians physically; extra room helped us compensate with more maneuverability. I didn’t need to maneuver quite yet, though. Dimitri was trying to wait me out, wanting me to make the first move. He kept a good position, though, one that blocked me from getting a clear shot on his heart. I could do some damage if I cut him elsewhere with the stake, but he would likely get a hit in on me that would be packed with power in this proximity. So I tried to wait him out as well. â€Å"All this death is because of you, you know,†he said. â€Å"If you’d let me awaken you†¦ let us be together†¦ well, none of this would have happened. We’d still be in Russia, in each other’s arms, and all of your friends here would be safe. None of them would have died. It’s your fault.†â€Å"And what about the people I’d have to kill in Russia?†I demanded. He’d shifted his weight a little. Was that an opening? â€Å"They wouldn’t be safe if I–â€Å" A crashing sound off to my left startled me. Christian, now freed, had just slammed his chair into a Strigoi engaged with a guardian. The Strigoi shrugged Christian off like a fly. Christian flew backward, slamming into a wall and landing on the floor with a slightly stunned look. In spite of myself, I spared him a glance and saw Lissa running to his side. And so help me, she had a stake in her hand. How she’d managed that, I had no idea. Maybe she’d picked it up from a fallen guardian. Maybe none of the Strigoi had thought to search her when she came in. After all, why on earth would a Moroi be carrying a stake? â€Å"Stop it! Stay out of the way!†I yelled at them, turning back to Dimitri. Letting those two distract me had cost me. Realizing Dimitri was about to attack, I managed to dodge without even seeing what he was doing. It turned out he’d been reaching for my neck, and my imprecise evasion had spared me the full damage. Still, his hand caught me on the shoulder, knocking me back almost as far as Christian had gone. Unlike my friend, though, I had years of training that had taught me to recover from something like that. I’d honed a lot of balance and recovery skills. I staggered only a little, then quickly regained my footing. I could only pray Christian and Lissa would listen to me and not do anything stupid. My attention had to stay on Dimitri, or I’d get myself killed. And if I died, Lissa and Christian died for sure. My impression while fighting our way inside had been that the guardians outnumbered the Strigoi, though that meant little sometimes. Still, I had to hope my colleagues would finish our foes off, leaving me to do what I had to do. Dimitri laughed at my dodge. â€Å"I’d be impressed if that wasn’t something a ten-year-old could do. Now your friends†¦ well, they’re also fighting at a ten-year-old level. And for Moroi? That’s actually pretty good.†â€Å"Yeah, well, we’ll see what your assessment is when I kill you,†I told him. I made a small feint to test how much he was paying attention. He sidestepped with hardly any notice at all, as graceful as a dancer. â€Å"You can’t, Rose. Haven’t you figured that out by now? Haven’t you seen it? You can’t defeat me. You can’t kill me. Even if you could, you can’t bring yourself to do it. You’ll hesitate. Again.†No, I wouldn’t. That’s what he didn’t realize. He’d made a mistake bringing Lissa here. She increased the stakes–no pun intended–on everything. She was here. She was real. Her life was on the line, and for that†¦ for that, I wouldn’t hesitate. Dimitri must have grown tired of waiting for me. He leapt out, hand again going for my neck. And again I evaded, letting my shoulder take the brunt of the hit. This time he held on to my shoulder. He jerked me toward him, triumph flaring in those red eyes. In the sort of space we were in, this was probably all he needed to kill me. He had what he wanted. Apparently, though, he wasn’t the only one who wanted me. Another Strigoi, maybe thinking he’d help Dimitri, pushed toward us and reached for me. Dimitri bared his fangs, giving the other Strigoi a look of pure hatred and fury. â€Å"Mine!†Dimitri hissed, hitting the other Strigoi in a way that he had clearly not expected. And that was my opening. Dimitri’s brief distraction had caused him to loosen his grip on me. That same close proximity which made him so lethal to me now made me just as dangerous. I was by his chest, by his heart, and I had my stake in hand. I’ll never be able to say for sure just how long the next series of events took. In some ways, it felt like only one heartbeat passed. At the same moment, it was as though we were frozen in time. Like the entire world had stopped. My stake was moving toward him, and as Dimitri’s eyes fell on me once more, I think he finally believed I would kill him. I was not hesitating. This was happening. My stake was there– And then it wasn’t. Something hit me hard on my right side, pushing me away from Dimitri and ruining my shot. I stumbled, barely avoiding hitting anyone. While I always tried to be vigilant regarding all things around me in a fight, I’d let my guard down in that direction. The Strigoi and guardians were on my left. The wall–and Lissa and Christian–were on my right. And it was Lissa and Christian who had shoved me out of the way. I think Dimitri was as astonished as I was. He was also equally astonished when Lissa came toward him with that stake in her hand. And like lightning through the bond, I read what she had very, very carefully kept from me the last day: She had managed to charm the stake with spirit. It was the reason she’d been so keyed up during her last stake-practice session with Grant and Serena. Knowing she had the tool she needed had fueled her desire to use it. Her hiding all of that information from me was a feat on par with charming the stake. Not that it mattered right now. Charmed stake or no, she couldn’t get near Dimitri. He knew it too, and his surprise immediately changed to delighted amusement–almost indulgent, like the way one watches a child do something adorable. Lissa’s attack was awkward. She wasn’t fast enough. She wasn’t strong enough. â€Å"No!†I screamed, leaping toward them, though pretty certain I wasn’t going to be fast enough either. Suddenly, a blazing wall of heat and flame appeared before me, and I barely had the presence of mind to back up. That fire had shot up from the floor, forming a ring around Dimitri that kept me from him. It was disorienting, but only for a moment. I knew Christian’s handiwork. â€Å"Stop it!†I didn’t know what to do, if I should attack Christian or leap into the fire. â€Å"You’ll burn us all alive!†The fire was fairly controlled–Christian had that much skill–but in a room this size, even a controlled fire was deadly. Even the other Strigoi backed away. The flames were closing in on Dimitri, growing tighter and tighter. I heard him scream, could see the look of agony, even through the fire. It began to consume his coat, and smoke poured out from the blaze. Some instinct told me I needed to stop this†¦ and yet, what did it matter? I’d come to kill him. Did it matter if someone else did it for me? And that’s when I noticed Lissa was still on the offensive. Dimitri was distracted, screaming as the flames wrapped around him. I was screaming too†¦ for him, for her†¦ it’s hard to say. Lissa’s arm shot through the flames, and again, pain surged through the bond–pain that dwarfed the earlier singe from Christian burning her ropes. Yet she kept going, ignoring the fiery agony. Her alignment was right. She had the stake aimed at the heart. The stake went in, piercing him. Well, kind of. Just like when she’d practiced with the pillow, she didn’t quite have the strength to get the stake where it needed to go. I felt her steel herself, felt her summon up every ounce of strength she had. Throwing her full weight into it, she shoved again, using both hands. The stake went in further. Still not enough. This delay would have cost her her life in a normal situation. This was not a normal situation. Dimitri had no means to block her, not with the fire slowly eating him. He did manage a small struggle that loosened the stake, undoing what little progress she’d made. Grimacing, she tried again, pushing the stake back to its former position. Still, it wasn’t enough. I came to my senses then, knowing I needed to stop this. Lissa was going to burn herself up if she kept trying to stake him. She lacked the skill. Either I needed to stake him or we just needed to let the fire finish him off. I moved forward. Lissa caught sight of me in her periphery and sent out a blast of compulsion at me. No! Let me do this! The command hit me hard, an invisible wall that made me come to a halt. I stood there dazed, both from the compulsion itself and the realization that she’d used it on me. It only took a moment for me to shake it off. She was too distracted to put her full power into the order, and I was pretty compulsion-resistant anyway. Yet, that slight delay had stopped me from reaching her. Lissa seized her last chance, knowing she’d get no other. One more time, fighting through the fire’s searing pain, she threw everything she had into shoving the stake all the way into Dimitri’s heart. Her strike was still awkward, still requiring a little more wiggling and pushing than the clean hit a trained guardian would make. Clumsy or not, the stake finally made it. It pierced his heart. And as it did, I felt magic flood our bond, the familiar magic I’d felt so many times when she performed a healing. Except†¦ this was a hundred times more powerful than anything I’d ever felt before. It froze me up as neatly as her compulsion had. I felt as though all of my nerves were exploding, like I’d just been struck by lightning. White light suddenly burst out around her, a light that dwarfed the fire’s brightness. It was like someone had dropped the sun into the middle of that room. I cried out, my hand rising instinctively to shield my eyes as I stepped backward. From the sounds in the room, everyone else was having a similar reaction. For a moment, it was as if there was no bond anymore. I felt nothing from Lissa–no pain, no magic. The bond was as colorless and empty as the white light filling the room. The power she’d used had over-flooded and overwhelmed our bond, numbing it. Then the light simply disappeared. No fade-out. Just†¦ gone in an eye blink. Like a switch had been flipped. There was silence in the room, save for a few murmurings of discomfort and confusion. That light must have been toxic to sensitive Strigoi eyes. It was hard enough for me. Starbursts danced in my sight. I couldn’t focus on anything as the afterimage of that brilliance burned across my vision. At last–with a little squinting–I could vaguely see again. The fire was gone, though black smudges on the wall and ceiling marked its presence, as did some lingering smoke. By my estimation, there should have been a lot more damage. I could spare no time for that miracle, though, because there was another one taking place in front of me. Not just a miracle. A fairy tale. Lissa and Dimitri were both on the floor. Their clothes were burned and singed. Angry red and pink patches marked her beautiful skin from where the fire had hit hardest. Her hands and wrists were particularly bad. I could see spots of blood where the flames had actually burned some of her skin away. Third-degree burns, if I was recalling my physiology classes correctly. Yet she seemed to feel no pain, nor did the burns affect her hands’ movement. She was stroking Dimitri’s hair. While she sat in some semblance of an upright position, he was in an ungainly sprawl. His head rested in her lap, and she was running her fingers through his hair in a gentle, repetitive motion–like one does to comfort a child or even an animal. Her face, even marred with the fire’s terrible damage, was radiant and filled with compassion. Dimitri had called me an avenging angel, but she was an angel of mercy as she gazed down at him and crooned soothing, nonsense words. With the state of his clothes and what I’d seen in the fire, I’d expected him to be burned to a crisp–some sort of blackened, skeletal nightmare. Yet when he shifted his head, giving me my first full view of his face, I saw that he was completely unharmed. No burns marked his skin–skin that was as warm and tanned as it had been the first day I’d met him. I caught only a glimpse of his eyes before he buried his face against Lissa’s knee. I saw endless depths of brown, the depths I’d fallen into so many times. No red rings. Dimitri†¦ was not a Strigoi. And he was weeping. How to cite Spirit Bound Chapter Sixteen, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Unibomber Essays - Green Anarchists, Civil Disobedience, Nonviolence
Unibomber here's been some talk on this list lately about how we should distance environmentalism from the Unabomber, and foil attempts by the media to unite the two. Shouldn't we also look inward, and see if in any way a love of ature does or can lead to antipathy to humans? he relationship between environmentalism and violence had been on my mind prior to Ted Kaczynski's arrest, because I had been reading _MindHunter_, John Douglas's memoir of his career heading the FBI's serial crimes unit. In passing, Douglas mentions a number of cases in which the killers were ardent environmentalists or living back to nature. It was hard to know what, if anything, to make of this (or of the author's contention that an inordinate percentage of serial killers drive Volkwagen Beetles). atching the FBI take Kaczynski away as the prime suspect in the Unabomber case, I thought, of course, of Henry Thoreau. Both were Harvard graduates who chose to remove themselves from industrial America to go it alone in a simple wilderness retreat. Thoreau is America's most famous recluse -- isn't it likely that Kaczynski is familiar with Thoreau's writing, even that he was emulating him to a degree? If Kaczynski is the Unabomber, then an intellectual connection to Thoreau is even more possible. After all, Thoreau is the father of North American environmentalism, and the Unabomber is most definitely an environmentalist. In his manifesto, after an exceedingly long discussion of how technology had overwhelmed society and smothered persnal freedom, he writes, But as an ideology, in order to gain support, must have positive ideals well as a negative one; it must be FOR something as well as AGAINST something. The positive ideal that we propose is Nature. That is, WILD nature; those aspects of e unctioning of the Earth and its living things are independent of human management and free of human interference and control. Such sentiment would not be misplaced on the ASLE list. Of course, most of us would take issue when he wrote, In order to get our message before the public with some chance of making a lasting impression, we've had to kill people. There have been, as we know, strands of the environmental movement that have been too often linked to an anti-human mindset. Regardless of his renunciation of EarthFirst!, Dave Foreman did at one time oppose famine aid to Ethiopia, saying the best thing would be to just let nature seek its own balance, to let the people there just starve.... Up here in Canada, naturalist John Livingston, in his Governor General's Award-winning _Rogue Primate_, refers to AIDS dispassionately as a natural response to human overpopulation.... I think environmentalists are people who understand that humans are part of nature, and they seek to live accordingly. Unfortunately, it sometimes seems that we are impatient for the rest of humanity to figure this out, and pessimistic tht we as a species are smart enough to make it happen. Some environmentalists, I think, find other humans (the more, the less merry) as basically troublesome. All this led me back to Thoreau. Was there anything in his writing that could have led Kaczynski (if he is the Unabomber) -- and maybe all environmentalists astray? On first glance, of course, Thoreau can be seen to be radically pro-nature and anti-society. He looked around his America and saw a civilization in which everyone was so intent on business, trade, and industry, so intent on eking out a living, that they forgot how to live. _Walden_ is a back-to-the-land how-to book, a carefully-crafted naturalist's diary, a witty response to Ben Franklin-industriousness, and a philosophical treatise on self-reliance. A Ted Kaczynski could draw inspiration from it. But Thoreau does not renounce society in _Walden_; he takes a trip from it to experiment with isolation, to learn more about himself and his surroundings. When his experiment is completed, he moves back to Concord and announces, I left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. The publishers of my edition of _Walden_ put Civil Disobedience at the end. I wondered if Kaczynski (if he is the Unabomber) also united the two. In this essay Thoreau defends opposition to unjust governments and describes a night spent in jail for refusing to pay taxes, protesting the American war with Mexico. Thoreau argues that one who wishes to be true to himself may need to live outside of government. Again, a Ted Kaczynski could draw inspiration -- some environmentalists certainly have. Though Foreman left EarthFirst!, in Defending the Earth_
Friday, March 20, 2020
Differentiating Between Market Structures Table an Essays
Differentiating Between Market Structures Table an Essays Differentiating Between Market Structures Table and Paper February 2, 2012 In this executive summary, we will look at the differentiating between market structures. We will start by comparing and contrasting public goods, private goods common resources, and natural monopolies. How labor market equilibrium is affected by the supply and demand of labor. Looking at different market structure and the effectiveness of the structure for an organization Competition, Oligopoly, Monopolistic and Monopoly. Lastly, looking at factors that affect the labor Supply and demand. When comparing and contrasting goods we must have an understanding of what they are. Private goods are service that can be used by a person who have bought it or own it the good . Public good are services that can be consumed at the same time by everyone with no one can be excluded. Common resources are that non-excludable and can be used only once, and no one can be stop by using what availed . Natural monopoly a good or service that is non-rival but excludablecan be produced at zero marginal cost. Examples of everyday things we use or see can be cat orgies in private goods, public goods, common resources, and natural monopoly. Private goods can be known as food, drinks, car, house, clothes, computers, and cell phones, but Public goods are the law, air traffic control, national defense, safety lights, and police officers. Common resources are fish in ocean, national parks, atmosphere, and oxygen. Natural Monopolies are the internet, cable television, bridges, tunnels, and manmade dams. Demand for labor depends upon marginal revenue generated from each unit of output and the productivity of each labor unit. If the productivity of workers raise the marginal revenue product increase. The demand for labor is also affected by its cost and by changes in the size of the workforce. While more workers are hired, the demand for labor is less. Workers are hired at different wages. Firms demand labor in exchange for wages. When the firm output decrease, so do the demand for labor. The main determinant of labor supply is the wage rate. There are workers who are able and willing to work at different wages. Some of the factors that can affect the supply of labor are; increase in population, change in demographics, and changing alternative. Workers supply labor to firms in exchange for wages. The market supply of labor is the number of workers of a particular type and skill level who are willing to supply their labor to firms at different wage levels. When look at competition in any organization we must look at suppliers and organization that may cause a threat. We Have compare Kmart, Wal-Mart and Target in clothing, grocery and home essentials stores. In addition, we look at local pharmacies and retail stores such as Walgreens and CVS. With there being competition in any organization we must look at numerous suppliers, sellers, and alternative products each companies offers. We must also look at the price point of each market to see the determined the demand of the product. Oligopoly of theses market is to exist where there is very little competition. This happens when an area only offers certain stores, or consumers have preferences of store and quality. We must also look at the stores income and see if there shelf space or means to market the product. Some organization finds it to be difficult or expensive to have certain product offer in their organization. Lastly, we look at the Monopolistic and Monopoly of these organizations. Monopolistic are non-essentials items such as cable, cell phone carrier, long distance Company, and Internet provider. Monopolies are essentials in every organization and house such as utilities Gas, Light, and Water. Labor supply is affected by the average wages and the birth rate. If the economy is down employers cannot pay the employee minimum wages if he cannot afford it. Therefore, the employer has to let the employee go. Another example the labor supply if the demand for the goods is not high then the company is not making any money to sustain keeping the same amount of employees to the company. Labor demand is affected by the demand for consumer's goods and the sudden
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How Discrete Trial Teaching Works in ABA
How Discrete Trial Teaching Works in ABA Discrete trial training, also known as massed trials, is the basic instructional technique of ABA or Applied Behavior Analysis. It is done one to one with individual students and sessions can last from a few minutes to a couple of hours a day. ABA is based on the pioneering work of B. F. Skinner and developed as an educational technique by O. Ivar Loovas. It has proven to be the most effective and only method of instructing children with autism recommended by the Surgeon General. Discrete trial training involves presenting a stimulus, asking for a response, and rewarding (reinforcing) a response, starting with an approximation of a correct response, and withdrawing prompts or support until the child can give the response correctly. Example Joseph is learning to recognize colors. The teacher/therapist puts three teddy bear counters on the table. The teacher says, Joey, touch the red bear. Joey touches the red bear. The teacher says, Good job, Joey! and tickles him (a reinforcer for Joey). This is a very simplified version of the process. Success requires several different components. Setting Discrete trial training is done one to one. In some ABA clinical settings, therapists sit in small therapy rooms or in carrels. In classrooms, it is often enough for the teacher to place the student across a table with his or her back to the classroom. This, of course, will depend on the student. Young children will need to be reinforced for merely sitting at the table learning to learn skills and the first academic task will be the behaviors that keep them at the table and help them focus, not only sitting but also imitating. (Do this. Now do this! Good job!) Reinforcement Reinforcement is anything that increases the likelihood a behavior will appear again. Reinforcement occurs across a continuum, from very basic, like preferred food to secondary reinforcement, reinforcement that is learned over time. Secondary reinforcement results as a child learns to associate positive outcomes with the teacher, with praise, or with tokens that will be rewarded after accumulating the target number. This should be the goal of any reinforcement plan, since typically developing children and adults often work hard and long for secondary reinforcement, like parental praise, a paycheck at the end of the month, the regard and esteem of peers or their community. A teacher needs to have a full quiver of edible, physical, sensory, and social reinforcers. The best and most powerful reinforcer is the teacher her or himself. When you dish out lots of reinforcement, lots of praise and perhaps a good measure of fun you will find you dont need a lot of rewards and prizes. Reinforcement also needs to be delivered randomly, widening the gap between each reinforcer in what is referred to as a variable schedule. Reinforcement delivered on a regular (say every third probe) is less likely to make the learned behavior permanent. Educational Tasks Successful discrete trial training is based on well designed, measurable IEP goals. Those goals will designate the number of successive successful trials, the correct response (name, indicate, point, etc.) and may, in the case of many children on the spectrum, have progressive benchmarks that go from simple to more complex responses. Example: When presented with pictures of farm animals in a field of four, Rodney will point to the correct animal requested by the teacher 18 out of 20 trials, for 3 consecutive probes. In discrete trial training, the teacher will present four pictures of farm animals and have Rodney point to one of the animals: Rodney, point to the pig. Good Job! Rodney, point to the cow. Good job! Massed or Interspersed Tasks Discrete trials training is also called massed trials, though this is actually a misnomer. Massed trials is when a large number of a single task are repeated in quick succession. In the example above, Rodney would just see pictures of farm animals. The teacher will do massed trials of a single task, and then start massed trials of a second set of tasks. The alternate form of discrete trial training is interspersal of tasks. The teacher or therapist brings several tasks to the table and asks the child to do them alternately. You might ask a child to point to the pig, and then ask the child to touch his nose. Tasks continue to be delivered quickly.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Behavioural Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Behavioural Studies - Essay Example The definition highlights that organisational stakeholders will have similar overall goals and objectives but there will be some key differences not only in the importance placed on each but also how the organisation achieves them. An organisation's stakeholders can include an almost endless list of employee's, suppliers, customers, shareholders etc that can be broken down and sorted into various groups with independent goals and objectives designed to meet their own view of effective organisational behaviour. An example of stakeholder conflict can be seen at The Countryside Agency, a government body with the aim of 'improving the quality of the Countryside for those who use it and the quality of life for people in rural communities'. Simply by dissecting the aim of the body it is possible to see that there are clearly conflicting interests at an organisational level because it is trying to satisfy two major external groups at the outset by balancing the needs of those who live in Th e Countryside with those who visit it. Internal stakeholders such as the finance department view their role as ensuring that any public money that has been spent was justifiable and recorded and stored accurately. This is often to the annoyance of the Policy work areas who feel stronger about improving the countryside than the bureaucratic process of justifying and recording public spending often seeing the financial procedures as a time consuming hindrance. This conflict means that each stakeholder will have a different view of whether the organisation is successful or not and will have different solutions to what they individually see as being the key obstacles to success. When looking at how the management of people can contribute to effective organisational behaviour, development and good health through leadership it is important to establish the differences between management and leadership. Some theorists hold the opinion that leadership is one area of the management role and in order to be a successful manager they must possess some leadership skills by default. The argument for differentiating between leaders and managers was started by Zaleznik (1977, 2004) in 'Manager and Leaders: Are they different' where he argued "the difference between managers and leaders lies in the conceptions they hold, deep in their psyches, of chaos and order". A more recent argument suggests that "a manager can be regarded as someone who by definition is assigned a position of leadership in an organisation" (Buchanan and Huczynski, 1985). This definition suggests that managers are in positions of leadership but may not necessarily be leaders. The definition therefore suggests that leadership is in some way an extension of the management function. In 'what leaders really do' Kotter (1990, 2001) argues that "Leadership is not necessarily better than management. Rather leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary systems of action. Each has its own function and characteristic activities". In the article Kotter identifies what he sees as the key functions of leadership and management. Management roles are concerned with "bringing a degree of order and consistency to key dimensions like the quality and profitability of products" (Kotter, 1990, 2001). Key aspects of the management
Monday, February 3, 2020
Measuring performance standards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Measuring performance standards - Research Paper Example This paper will discuss the hospital’s patient falls, hospital acquired infection, and patient satisfaction regarding data collection. It includes other examples of data management and display tools in performance and quality improvement and their use in healthcare. Patient Falls The term ‘fall’ of a patient describes â€Å"a person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or at a lower level†(Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, 2007, p. 2). Whether the resulted injury is mild or severe, health institutions recognize how it affects the patients and could lead to other complications, aside from the current illness the patient possesses. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2010), falls represented nearly 47% of all safety reports and aggregated events in 2003 comprising about 11% of all root cause analyses. The statistics is relatively high and consequently calls for immediate prevention. In order to properly monitor and prevent the patient falls, the hospital needs data designed to assess this problem. According to the Veterans Health Administration National Center for Patient Safety (n.d.), there are three simple rules to carry out proper measures: (a) the data should contain a numerator and a denominator to determine the ratio of patient falls and persons to assist intervention; (b) the data should â€Å"specify the time in which the information [is] collected†(p. 70), making the range of time for each set of data equal, which is one of the factors of accuracy; (c) the data should mention measurement strategy (as cited in Joint Commission Resources, Inc [JCR], 2006). Appropriate strategies are a vital part of a reliable patient falls’ data (as cited in Joint Commission Resources, Inc [JCR], 2006). Furthermore, a reliable data is a product of a long-term research. For example, Morse’s (2008) research about patient falls where it took her â€Å"32 years to collect enough data†(p. xi). Therefore, a data collection that ranges in weeks would not be reliable, but consistent data collection for a period of predetermined years would provide a solid base to design interventional strategies. Hospital Acquired Infection Hospital acquired infection is one of the dangers originated by poor sanitation of hospital equipments and improper use and disposal of hospital waste. The World Health Organization (2002) stated, â€Å"infections acquired in health care settings are among the major causes of death and increased morbidity among hospitalized patients†(p. 1). Since these infections affect both developed and underdeveloped countries, all medical centers should be aware of its prevention. The American Hospital Association Resource Center (2010) recorded about 42,000 adult patients acquired infection during their hospital stay. It is, then, reasonable to apply appropriate measures to prevent such incident. Prevalence and incidence data provide the best way to mon itor hospital-acquired infection. The data should contain all the records that reported incidents of infection to assure reliability. In that way, there will be accurate surveillance about the improvement of the hospital with regard to these cases. In some countries, including the United States, data reporting of hospital-acquired infection is mandatory and reported on a quarterly basis (Horton & Parker, 2002). Patient Survey Satisfaction One of the determinants of the quality of service is patient satisfaction. As Shelton (2000) explained,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Victim Profiling Is A Subject Criminology Essay
Victim Profiling Is A Subject Criminology Essay Victim profiling is a subject that has continued to attract a lot of public imagination. Many investigators have studied human behavior and crime in the broad context of victim profiling. Currently, victim profiling is not a subject that can be viewed secretively as a mysterious technique employed by the U.S police force when seeking to solve crime. Its main objective is to understand a crime from both the victim and perpetrators perspectives. It involves both investigative psychology and crime scene analysis. The subject has also received a lot of media attention as a technique employed by the police. As the police try to ensure public safety, they will use several tools to apprehend criminals. Despite the tremendous advances made in victim profiling, the technique is characterized with various problems. Victim profiling systems needs to be improved to ensure it provides accurate and reliable information. It should be noted that if victim profiling is improved and properly implement ed, it will continue to be a valuable and exciting scientific tool for criminal investigations. Keywords: Victim profiling, criminal investigations, crime scene Victim Profiling Victim profiling can be defined as a set of approaches and techniques used to predict the characteristics of an unidentified offender through investigating and analyzing the evidence obtained from the scene of crime. By analyzing the scene of crime, an investigator aims to understand the personality, demographic and behavioral characteristics of the offender. The characteristics obtained from the crime scene can be used to identify the behavior patterns of the unknown offender. The paper will address the issue of victim profiling, problems that make it less effective and also provide evidence of ineffectiveness. Finally, it will suggest how these problems can be addressed in order to improve the effectiveness of victim profiling. Victim profiling generally determines the cause and effect relationship aspects between the scene of crime, victim, witness and the offender. The technique is mostly used in crime scenes where the identity of the offender is not known and in serious types of crimes such as murder and rape. The process uses crime scene information to create a psychological portrait of the unknown perpetrator (Muller, 2000). A profiler will take information such as the state of the crime scene, nature of weapons used and what was said or done to the victim to come up with a victim profile. In addition, it can include information such as geographic pattern of the crime, mode of entry and exit from the crime scene and where the offender resides. The real process of victim profiling may differ from one investigator to another depending on ones level of training. However, the aim of the process will still remain the same which is to deduce the personality, physical and behavioral characteristics of the perpetrator (Muller, 2000). It should be noted that a victim profile by itself will not catch a criminal or solve a crime. However, the profile will play a big role in assisting the police in their investigations. A victim profile may not be very accurate in suggesting with certainty the real perpetrator of a crime. Nonetheless, it greatly assists the police by providing the right direction in crime investigation. For instance, when the police have not found any leads in a crime, a victim profile can prove potentially important by suggesting helpful hints which the police may have overlooked. According to Muller (2000), there are some crimes where victim profiling may not be necessary. However, it is very suitable in crimes where the unknown offender leaves behind signs of psychopathology or in situations where the crime scene illustrates some form of ritualistic or violent nature. There are several approaches of victim profiling such as geographic profiling, crime scene analysis, investigative psychology and diagnostic evaluation. Diagnostic evaluation basically relies on clinical judgment. Crime scene analysis approach is the most popular technique of victim profiling and was developed by the Behavioral Science Unit of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Crime scene analysis approach relies on deductive reasoning, intuitive thinking and pattern identification done by experienced investigators. On the other hand, investigative psychology relies on behaviorism. It is based on the fundamental principle that the manner in which a crime is committed can illustrate the behavioral characteristics of the offender (Young, 2006). Geographic profiling approach emphasizes on the crime scene location in providing offenders information. The Problems of Victim Profiling Since victim profiling cannot be regarded exclusively as a science, debates have been raised over its effectiveness. There are various methods of carrying out victim profiling. As a result, varied opinions have emerged over which approach is considered the best. Some people question the scientific validity of an offenders victim profile because it is seen that it is hugely based on guess work. For instance, in a murder case, the manner in which a victims body is left can mean various things which may not really be the same considering the many factors that may need to be looked at. Therefore, if victim profiling is not done accurately, it can generate wrong leads and throw off investigations (Young, 2006). Over-generalizations and stereotyping can also impact on the effectiveness of the victim profiling technique. For instance, a cloud judgment may be used to reason that most offenders in rape cases are single men living with their parents. However, this may not necessarily be the case and can lead to creating a false victim profile if the offender turns out to be a married man with his own family. The other problem that hinders the credibility of victim profiling is lack of adequate data or insufficient interpretive capacity (Kocsis, 2007). These problems may fall short in providing a definitive and comprehensive identification of an unknown offender. This can be the case considering the uniqueness of offenders variables such as the modus operandi. The validity of victim profiling has emerged as a major problem. According to Kocsis (2007) the validity of the technique may be questioned since offenders information is based on anecdotal accounts. Despite the usefulness of these accounts, they cannot be confidently relied upon to confirm the validity of victim profiling. Most of these accounts are co-authored by investigators who might be led by typical human psyche of success rather than failure (Kocsis, 2007). As a result, these anecdotal accounts may sometimes lack objective reasoning which may affect the accuracy of the process. Several people have criticized the psycho-investigative techniques currently used in victim profiling. These techniques are based on intuitions/instincts which affects the scientific validity of victim profiling. Another problem in victim profiling that needs to be addressed is the absence of regulation. Due to lack of regulation, several unreliable statements may be made on the media by inexperienced or self-appointed profilers (Kocsis, 2007). Due to lack of regulation, disparities exist in the level of skills required from a profiler. Also, disparities in the skill levels may affect the overall quality of the process. Lack of uniformity is the other problem faced in victim profiling. For instance, the nomenclature used in describing the process lacks uniformity. The process has been referred to in many terms such as victim profiling, criminal profiling, offender profiling, criminal personality profiling and criminal psychological profiling. The reliability of data used in victim profiling is a major issue that affects its effectiveness. The unreliable information relied upon may lead to inaccuracies hence affecting the usefulness of the techniques. The problem of unreliable data affects the reputation of the technique among professionals. Some critiques have argued that victim profiling is based on false typologies not supported by empirical theories. Due to problems associated with its unreliability, it can lead to inaccurate profiles which may derail investigations or may lead to biasness towards a wrong suspect. Evidence of its Ineffectiveness The 2002 Beltway Serial Sniper Shootings that happened in Eastern United States as an evidence of over-generalizations involved in victim profiling. Several victim profiles were made after the shootings. When the suspects were later apprehended, it emerged that the victim profiles had little similarities with the suspects. Another example of over-generalizations in victim profiling is the case of Granny Killer which occurred in Sydney, Australia in 1989(Kicses, 2007).The victim profile identified the unknown killer as a young male of African descent. When the culprit was eventually found, he turned out to be an elderly Anglo-Saxon. Evidence to illustrate lack of uniformity can be observed in the several terminologies used to refer to the process. The process does not have a uniform baseline of defining a serial murder. According to Muller (2000) some people classify a person who has killed two people as a serial murderer. To others, one needs to have killed up to four people to become a serial murder. Therefore, a cut-off point is necessary of identifying whom to label as a serial murderer. Pinizzotto and Finkel (1990) carried out a research to determine the accuracy of victim profiles and the qualitative differences among profilers in a series of cases. The profilers included professional profilers, psychologists, students and detectives. According to the findings, the accuracy of the different profilers varied depending on the case investigated. Profilers were found to be more accurate than other groups in cases of sexual offense. However, the profilers were realized not to be accurate as the detectives in ca ses of homicide. The study also realized that professional profilers wrote more detailed and richer reports than non-profilers (Pinizzotto and Finkel, 1990). This study can act as evidence to show that not just anybody who bears the name profiler has the capability to effectively do victim profiling. Therefore, there is a need for a proper regulation to ensure that only professional profilers with the required set of skills engage in victim profiling. How to Improve victim Profiling Since victim profiling is still developing, its credentialing and regulation needs to be given more focus. This can be achieved through better communication among investigative agencies on better ways of linking the different approaches of victim profiling. Victim profiling practice needs to be incorporated into a professional body to ensure that it is regulated. Such a regulatory body will help ensure that only people with the required set of skills are allowed to do victim profiling. Secondly, more research needs to be done on victim profiling practice. Such research needs to be open to scientific scrutiny to ensure that they provide reliable and accurate information. Currently, victim profiling is regarded more as an art. If more research is done, the practical techniques of the field will be improved by scientific approach. This will ensure that victim profiling delinks itself from using literature based unreliable data to becoming a vital tool in crime investigation. In addition, victim profiling can be improved through development of standards which will provide the process with uniformity. Developing standards of uniformity will ensure that communication problems are reduced through use of common terminology. Also, creation of standards will minimize cases of disparities in the practice which arise due to different methodological procedures. Also, victim profiling can be improved through training and educational requirements for the profilers. Improved training will improve the profilers competency and skill set. As a result, the profiler will be able to avoid biases regarding offenders from influencing a victim profile. Implementation to the System As technology continues to develop, there is a need to integrate modern computer technologies in victim profiling. For instance, the Canadian police have introduced Computer-Based Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (VICLAS) (Young, 2006). VICLAS allows detailed documentation of all solved and unsolved cases of sexual assault, homicide and missing persons. The computer program contains a feature that links various crime databases to improve the analytical capacity of the system. Implementation of such systems among various investigative agencies and the police will improve victim profiling technology. Furthermore, it will give the process a more scientific inclination. The different approaches of victim profiling need to be integrated into an effective tool for predicting criminal characteristics and behavior. Geographical profiling, crime scene analysis and investigative psychology need to be correlated to standardize and conceptualize victim profiling technique. Implementing such developments will increase the validity and reliability of victim profiling. Profilers and investigative agencies need to develop better trust to ensure the success of victim profiling. Profilers and investigative agencies need to share crime scene data to assist in determining the existence of similar cases in surrounding areas. Similarities can be realized through comparing notes on offenders modus operandi and any form of signature left. In addition, profilers need to avoid inductive and indiscriminate profiling and adhere to sound decision making and behavioral science principles. Biasness, personal beliefs and over-generalizations need to be set aside in favor of deductive reasoning. Conclusion Victim profiling is a technique that is still developing and there is a lot that needs to be done. Victim profiling needs to be accurately and reliably in order to be helpful in crime investigations. There are several problems associated with victim profiling such as lack of uniformity, absence of regulation, inadequate information, validity and accuracy concerns. However, the effectiveness of victim profiling can be improved through better training and education of profilers. Also, more emphasis on research is necessary in order to make it more scientific. Furthermore, the technique needs to be professionalized by incorporating it into a professional body to regulate the competency of people who can perform it. Creation of uniform standards in the different approaches of victim profiling, improving linkages between profilers and other investigative agencies, and adoption of modern technologies are other ways of improving the effectiveness of victim profiling.
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